first precinct, at the County line dividing Queen
Anne s and Caroline counties, at a point on said
line known, as the Nine Bridges, thence with the
county road to Bridgetown and including said
town; thence with the county road to Hollings-
worth Corner; thence by the county road to Genns'
Shop, thence with the county road to Old Town
Branch; thence with the county road leading to
Greensborough, until it reaches the road leading to
Kuglur's Mill; thence with said road to said Mill;
and thence with the branch leading from said Mill
to Choptank River; thence with said river, until
it reaches the State line dividing Maryland and
Delaware; thence with said line, until it reaches
the line dividing Queen Anne's and Caroline coun-
ties; thence with said line to the starting point at
Nine Bridges; and the second precinct to include
all the residue of said election district, number one,
not contained within the above named lines.
CHAP. 45
SEC. 2. And fie it enacted, That the place for
opening and holding the polls, shall be for precinct
number one aforesaid at Mellville, and for precinct
number two, at the town of Greensborough.
Place of
holding polls.
SEC. 3. And fie it enacted, That the County Com-
missioners for Caroline county be and they are
hereby empowered and directed to appoint judges
of election for each of the said precincts at all elec-
tions held by law in said county; and that elec-
tions shall be held and returns thereof made from
each precinct separately, as the same are held,
and made in the other several districts of said
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from its passage.
In force.