CHAP. 45,
Passed June
21, 1861
AN ACT to amend the ninety-third Article of the
Code of Public General Laws, by adding thereto
a section limiting the effect of the exception of
actions "for anything done to the person" made
in the tenth section of said Article.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the ninety-third Article of the
Code of Public General Laws, be and the same is
hereby amended, by the addition of the following
Words to
The words "actions for anything done to the
person" used in the one hundred and fifth section,
of said article, shall not be held to embrace actions
for illegal arrest, false imprisonment, or violation
of the twenty-first, twenty-third, twenty-eighth
and twenty-ninth Articles of the Declaration of
Rights or any of them, or of the existing or any
future provisions of the Code, touching the writ
of habeas corpus or proceedings thereunder; for all
of which enumerated wrongs, actions may be main-
tained by and against executors, as they may be or
might have been by and against the party or par-
ties deceased.
In force.
SEC, 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
go into effect from and immediately after its pas-
Passed June
19, 1861.
AN ACT to add the following Sections to Article
sixth of the Code of Public Local Laws relating
to Election Districts in Caroline county.
District di-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Election District number one
of Caroline county be and the same is hereby divid-
ed into two election precincts; starting, for the