one or more of the daily newspapers of Baltimore
city, to transact any or all of the business that may
come before said Faculty.
CHAP. 43.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That so much of the
charter of said Faculty, as calls for fifteen to make
a quorum to transact the business of said Faculty,
be and the same is hereby repealed.
SEC. 3. And lie it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from and after its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to enable A. Lingan Jarrett, Comptrol-
ler of Maryland, to enter into bond and qualify.
Passed June
21, 1861.
WHEREAS, the said A. Lingan Jarrett was duly
elected Comptroller as ascertained and decided by
the House of Delegates, on the tenth day of March,
in the year eighteen hundred and sixty, and the
Governor of the State has refused to recognize said
election and to receive the bond of said A. Lingan
Jarrett as such Comptroller and to administer to
him the oath of office; Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That any one of the Judges of the
Court of Appeals, be and he is hereby authorized
to take and approve the bond of the said Jarrett,
and to receive the declaration and administer the
oath required by the Constitution and laws, and
that said Jarrett be authorized to make the decla-
rations and take the oaths before any one of said
Judges, and the said bond when so taken and ap-
proved, and the declarations and oaths so made,
shall be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the
"Court of Appeals, and have the same effect as if
done in the manner and mode now prescribed by
Judge au-
thorised to
approve bond.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage,
In force.