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Session Laws, 1861
Volume 526, Page 30   View pdf image (33K)
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Passed June
12, 1861.

AN ACT to amend Article eight of the Code of
Public Local Laws, relative to the powers granted
by law to the president and commissioners of the
village of Port Deposit, by adding thereto the
following section:

Powers to
pass ordinan-

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the president and commission-
ers of the village of Port Deposit shall have the
power to pass ordinances regulating the market, the
inspection, measurement, and weight of all pro-
visions sold in and to be consumed in said village;
to suppress all disorderly meetings, to prevent
firing guns, squibs, or any kind of fire-arms or fire-
works in said village; to suppress and abate all
nuisances; to prevent swine, ducks, and geese from
going at large; to prevent any immoderate driving
or riding through the streets in any carriage, stage,
cart, wagon or other vehicle, or on horseback, so as
to endanger the lives or limbs or property of the
citizens of said village, or disturb the quiet enjoy-
ment of the streets and thoroughfares; and to pre-
vent the parading and indecent exhibition of any
stud horse through the streets, and may impose
fines not exceeding ten dollars for any offence, on
any person violating said ordinances.

In force.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.



Passed June
10, 1861.

AN ACT to authorize and empower Francis Mat-
tingly to erect gates upon a road passing near
his house to the Catholic Church near Mount

Power to

SECTION 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of

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Session Laws, 1861
Volume 526, Page 30   View pdf image (33K)
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