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Session Laws, 1861
Volume 526, Page 25   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 29.

AN ACT to amend the sixty-fifth section of the
Code of Public Local Laws, of Somerset county,
relating to Justices of the Peace and Constables,
by adding thereto the following:

Passed June
10, 1861.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That, in addition to the constables
heretofore authorized by law, in the election dis-
trict in Somerset county, wherein the town of Princess
Anne is situated, there shall be one additional con-
stable appointed by the commissioners of the coun-
ty, who shall hold his office until the next regular
election in this State and that an additional con-
stable shall then and thereafter be elected as other
constables are elected.


SEC. 2, And be it enacted, That said additional
constable shall be a resident of the town of Prin-
cess Anne, and it shall be his special duty, in ad-
dition to the ordinary duties of a constable to en-
force the laws relating to free negroes, and slaves
within the limits of said town.


SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said constable
said shall be paid by the county aforesaid, at the
discretion of the commissioners of said county, an
annual compensation at a rate not exceeding two
hundred dollars, to be levied upon the taxable pro-
perty in said town of Princess Anne.

To be paid
by county.

SEC. 4. And fie it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the passage thereof.

In force.



AN ACT to repeal an act providing for the dispo-
sal of the State's Tobacco Warehouses, and the
building of a new Tobacco Warehouse or Ware-
houses on deep water.

Passed June
8, 1861.

SECTION 1, Be it enacted by the General Assembly


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Session Laws, 1861
Volume 526, Page 25   View pdf image (33K)
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