CHAP. 15.
AN ACT to release from the payment of interest,
the sureties on the official bond of Samuel L.
Duhamel, collector of taxes for the first Election
District of Queen Anne's county, in the year
eighteen hundred and fifty-seven.
Passed May
9, 1861.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the sureties on the official bond
of Samuel L. Duhamel, collector of State taxes for
the first Election District of Queen Anne's county,
for the year eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, be
and they are hereby released from the payment of
interest on said taxes ; provided, that on the first
day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, the
sureties pay into the Treasury, the amount of the
principal sum of said State taxes, as ascertained by
the Comptroller of the Treasury to be due the
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to repeal the one hundred and ninety-
eighth section of Article nineteen of the Code of
Public Local Laws relating to Public Schools in
Somerset county, and enact the following there-
Passed May
9, 1861.
SECTION 198. The interest arising from any school
funds apportioned by the State, to Somerset county,
or any such funds as may belong to said county,
shall be paid directly to the Treasurer of said Board
of School Commissioners, and the balance necessary
for the support of public education, beyond any
fees for tuition, which may be received as herein-
before provided, shall be levied and collected by
To be paid
to Treasurer.