CHAP. 13.
Duty of Col-
SEC. 3. The County Commissioners shall levy
the amount of money necessary for the purposes of
Primary Schools, seperately from levies, for other
purposes, and it shall be the duty of the Collector
of taxes for the county to report every three months
to the Board of County Commissioners the amount
collected and deposited by him for these purposes.
SEC. 4. The clerk of each district shall give at
least ten days previous notice of the time and place
and purposes of holding such annual meeting, to
the taxable inhabitants of the district, by adver-
tisement set up at three of the most public places
SEC. 5. Be it enacted, That the levy made by the
County Commissioners, for the purposes of Primary
Schools, including books, stationery and fuel for
the year eighteen hundred and sixty, be and the
same is hereby legalized and made valid in law,
and shall be collected in the same way as all other
taxes are collected.
Passed May
8, 1861.
AN ACT appropriating one hundred dollars, in
payment of the salary due Thomas A. Mitchell,
Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, on the first day
of January, eighteen hundred and sixty one, as
keeper of the Senate Chamber and Committee
Rooms, during the recess of the Legislature.
to pay.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Treasurer, on the warrant
of the Comptroller, pay to Thomas A. Mitchell, or
order, the sum of one hundred dollars, due him, on
the first day of January eighteen hundred and six-
ty-one, as keeper of the Senate Chamber and Com-
mittee rooms, as the seat of Government, in the
recess of the Legislature.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from and after the date of its passage.