Dr. Emmett J. Scott, for twenty-two years Secretary to the great orator
and statesman, Booker T. Washington, was born at Houston, Texas, February
13, 1873; educated at Wiley University, Marshall, Texas. His Alma Mater at
first conferred upon him the degree A.M., Master of Arts; afterward Wilber-
force and Wiley Universities, in 1918, both conferred upon him the degree, L.L.D.,
Doctor of Laws. He was appointed a member of the American Commission
to Liberia in 1909 by President William Howard Taft; was Secretary of the
International Conference on the Negro held in 1912; and served as Secretary of
the National Negro Business League practically from its organization until May,
1922, when he resigned, after having been unanimously re-elected at the Atlanta
session held in August, 1921. During the World War, Doctor Scott served as
Special Assistant to the Secretary of War, advising in matters affecting Colored
troops and civilians; he was called on July 1, 1919, to serve as Secretary-Treas-
urer of Howard University, Washington, D. C.
Since Doctor Scott's coming to Howard University as its Secretary-Treasurer
and Business Manager, his wise management of the business affairs of the
school, and the able assistance he has given President Durkee have had to do
in a large and important way with the remarkable period of development and
advancement which the University is now enjoying. He has surrendered prac-
tically every outside interest and activity that would in any way interfere with the
effectiveness of his work for Howard.
Doctor Scott is an author of distinction, having published "Tuskegee and
Its People"; is also co-author of the biography, "Booker T. Washington, the
Builder oi a Civilization," author of "The American Negro in the World War"
and "Negro Migration During the World War," prepared for the Carnegie En-
dowment for International Peace. He is a contributor to magazines, periodicals,
and newspapers; a speaker and orator of rare ability. Probably the most well-
known and most influential Colored American since the death of Booker T.
Prepared by Norman L. McGhee, Dr. Scott's Secretary.