Mrs. George E. Frey (formerly Mrs. Texas Waller), is one of
Baltimore's most charming ladies. Born in Haverstraw, N. Y., and
educated in the same State, Mrs. Frey is one of the descendants of
the old Jarvis family, the first settlers of Massachusetts and New
York. They intermarried with the Shinocok tribe of Indians. She is
a member of St. Mary's Episcopal Church, and is also identified with
many charitable organizations and an officer of rank in the Masonic
Fraternity. She has entertained some of the most notable ladies in
the land. It was at the beautiful home of Mrs. Frey, 1018 Linden
avenue, that Mrs. Booker T. Washington was entertained on her last
visit to this city. For many years Mrs. Frey was instructor in the
art of dress cutting, fitting and designing. Mrs. Frey has two charm-
ing daughters—both married—one living in Germantown, Pa., the
wife of the eminent Dr. R. W. Bailey; the other living in Boston,
the wife of James A. Walton, a business man; and one son, Alex-
ander Texas Waller, who is yet a minor. Her present husband, Mr.
Frey, is one of Baltimore's leading citizens, a prominent Mason
(a thirty-third, active degree, second highest officer in the organiza-
tion) and one of the city's most popular caterers.