S. S. Booker, A. B., Executive Secretary of the Druid Hil] Avenue
Branch of the Y. M. C. A. A member of Trinity Baptist Church and
an active worker in Union Baptist Sunday-School.
Secretary Booker is a product of the schools of Virginia and a
graduate of Virginia Union University Class 1910 with honors. En-
tered Y. M. C. A. work in fall 1910, serving first at Chattanooga,
Tenn, and Indianapolis, Ind. He has been in Baltimore two years and
four months. A graduate of the Y. M. C. A. Summer Schools and a
special student of Y. M. C. A. history. He has been appointed a mem-
ber of the Y. M. C. A. Summer School Faculty for 1917.
Secretary Booker is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, an
Alumnus of the Gamma Chapter. Served as its first general secretary
and at present he is the general treasurer of the National Organiza-
tion. He is a Mason, K. of P., and several of the local social service
organizations, in fact, he is connected with every movement for the
general uplift of the colored people of Baltimore.
The Baltimore Colored Association has taken on new life during
the administration of Secretary Booker. From a membership of 96 to
a membership of 825 men and boys, with 10 working committees.
$15,000.00 of the $25,000.00 has been paid in for the new building
which will be erected during this year. The annual report of the asso-
ciation this year will excel all other reports of the work in Baltimore
and it is due largely to the energetic efforts of Secretary Booker with
the influence of the President, Mr. James W. Hughes. The slogan—
"Baltimore must lead."