WILLIAM PICKENS, Litt. D., Dean of Morgan College.
"Who's Who in America," the most famous contemporary bio-
graphical publication in the United States, gives the following sketch:
"William Pickens, college prof.; b. Anderson Co., S. C., Jan. 15,
1881; s. Jacob and Fannie (Porter) P.; A. B., Talladega (Ala.) Coll.,
1902; A. B., Yale, 1904; diploma from Brit. Esperanto Assn., 1906;
(A. M., Fisk U., Tenn., 1908; Litt. D., Selma U., Ala., 1915); m.
Minnie Cooper McAlpine (A. B., Tougaloo U., Miss.), of Meridian,
Miss., Aug. 10, 1905. Instr. Latin and German, 1904-9, prof. Greek,
Latin and German, 1909-14, Talladega Coll.; prof. Greek and
Sociology, Wiley U., Marshall, Tex., 1914-15; dean Morgan Coll.,
Baltimore, since 1915. Phi. Beta Kappa (Yale) ; ex-pres. Ala. State
Teachers' Assn.; mem. Nat, Assn. Teachers in Colored Schools, Am.
Negro Academy. Methodist, Mason, Odd Fellow, Mosaic Templar.
Author: Abraham Lincoln, Man anl Statesman, 1909; The Heir of
Slaves, 1910; Frederick Douglass and the Spirit of Freedom, 1912;
Fifty Years of Emancipation, 1913; The Ultimate Effects of Segrega-
tion and Discrimination, 1915." He is also a Pythian and published
in 1916 "The New Negro."