Judge Robert H. Brrell, of the Municipal Court of Washington, D. C.,
is probably the most highly respected government official that has ever
erred. He has by his farsighted Judgment and fair distribution of the
law with the admiration of the business men in wbose district be pre-
sides. Judge Terrell has been appointed by three Presidents, namely,
Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson. Judge Terrell is a graduate of Harvard
University and the Howard LAW School; was Assistant to the Fourth
Auditor of the United States Treasury John R. Lynch; was for a num-
ber of years Principal of the M Street High School; later a memlwr of
the law Arm of Lynch 4 Terrell. The Judge has made a place for the
colored Americans the United States Government. Mr Robert W.
Coleman. of this city, formerly of the District and the author of this
posiblication. is a first cousin to Judge Terrell.