Bishop John Hurst is one of the best known churchmen in the country.
He is a native of Haiti, but sis grandparents were born in the United
Statcs. He came to the United States to be educated, and completed
the course at Willberforre University. He returned to his native country,
but came back to Washington in an attache of the Haitian legation
under Minister Price, He entered the African Methodist ministry about
30 rears ago. and his rise has been steadilly upward. He pastored sev-
eral large churches in this city before being elected financial secretary
of the A. M, E. Church in 1906. Four years later be waa elevated to
the bishopric He has charge of the Florida and West Indian work of
the A. M. E. Church He is a member of a number of bodies. Including
the American Political and Social Science Association and the National
Association tor the Advancement of Colored People. In the last named
body be to a member of the executive committee, at well as serving as a
member of the Spingard Medal Committee.
Bishop Hurst owes much of his success to his charming wife, Mrs.
K. Bertha Hurst. They recently celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary
of their marriage. Their only son, Benoil Price Hurst, is a senior in
the medical school of Harvard University.
Bishop and Mrs, Hunt reside at 1808 McCulloh Street