Male & Female Academy,
No. 16 Pitt-St., between High & Front.
MR. & MRS. WILKISON respectfully inform their
friends and the public that they have Removed their
Academy from No. 16 High-St. to the place above de-
signated, where they will be ready to receive such
Young Ladies and Gentlemen as shall be entrusted to
their care, who will be carefully and thoroughly in-
structed in the several branches of Education to which
it will be found necessary to direct their attention.
A few female pupils can be accommodated with
Boarding. TERMS.
Orthography and Reading, - - - - - - $4 00
Penmanship, Geography, Arithmetick. English Grammar,
toprther with the different kinds of Needle Work, (for
Young Misses,) ....... 5 00
History, Natural Philosophy, and Latin Grammar - 6 00
Book-Keeping, Geomrtry, Astronomy, Use of Globes,
Drawing Maps, Elocution, &c. &c..... 8 00
Stationery, per quarter, 37 cents. — Fuel, for the season, 75 cents
N. B. Night School will commence the 12th of October.
New Looking: Glass Store.
No. 2 North Gay Street,
Informs his customers and the public, that he
has for sale and manufactures, Gilt, Mantle and
Pier LOOKING GLASSES, Portrait and Picture
Frames. Drawings and Prints framed at short no-
tires, of every variety of size and pattern OLD
LOOKING GLASSES framed or taken in ex-
change : CURTAIN ORNAMENTS, such as Poles,
Rings, Ends and Centre Ornaments at the shortest
notice; and Genendoles, Pier Tables, Brackets and
all articles of fancy in my line of business of the
latest and most approved patterns. Gentlemen
wishing to have their piers and mantles furnished
with superior FRENCH PLATES, will please to leave
their orders and they will be promptly attended to.
Steamboats, Packets, &c. fitted with Looking
Glasses in pannels or frames, at short notice.
Looking Glass Plates of all sizes by the box or
single plate.