Furniture Store,
Corner of Frederick tip Second-Sis.
Begs leave to inform his friends and the public in gene-
ral, tliat he has on hand an extensive assortment of
Consisting of Side Boards; Bureaus; Book Cases; Glass
Cases; Mahogany and Walnut Dining and Breakfast
Tables; Pine Kitchen Tables; Ladies' Mahogany Work
Stands; Ward Rolers; Window Blinds; High and Low
Post Bedsteads; Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows; Ma-
trasses; Toilet Tables and Work Stands; Cnndlc Stands;
Cane Seat and Common Chairs; Rocking Chairs of dif-
ferent sorts; Settees; Office Desks and Stools; Mahogany
and Poplar Cradles; Pier, Mantle and Toilet Looking
Glasses; Mantle Clocks; Parlour and Kitchen Shovel and
Tongs; Stoves and Coal Grates; Flat Irons, Pols, Skil-
lets, Ovens and Griddles; Hot Barks; Safes; Coffee Mills;
Andirons; Imported and Domestic Carpeting; Candle-
Sticks, Snuffers and Trays; Waiters; Hobby Horses;
Guns and Pistols, &c. &c. &c. — all of which will be sold
at auction prices.
N. B. TWO STEAM BOILERS of about 4 horse
power, with other apparatus belonging, will be sold low.
Lithographic Establishment,
No. 30 Light Street,
Execute on stone, at the shortest notice, all kinds of
DRAWINGS Also, all kinds of Writings, Maps,
Plans, Professional Cards, Circulars, Bill-Heads, &.c.
in the best stile and on reasonable terms.
N. B. Prepared Paper and Ink can be had at the es-
tablishment, on which merchants may write for them-
selves, and have it printed a fac-simile of their own
hand writing.