DEY Matchett's Baltimore
Demelman Joseph, optician, Forest st n of Gay
Dempsey Michael, liquor store, cor Pratt and Frederick sts
Dempsey Owen, Mercer st near Light
Dempsey Wm. coachinaker, Franklin st w of Pearl
Dempster John, corner of Johnson and Cross sts
Dempster James, waterman, Cross st near William
+Denby Patience, 8 s Liberty st
Denison Marcus, 31 Baltimore st; dw n Frederick st
Denison Conain & Co. carpet factory, s High st
Denison Samuel, plaisterer, Eden st s of Orleans
Denraead Adam, carpenter, North st s of Saratoga; dw Exeter
st near Low
Denraead Thomas, machine maker, Cove st n of Mulberry
Denmead Wm. machinist. Wine st w of Pine
Denmitte John, Forest st n of Monument
++Denney Samuel, sawyer, Forest st n of Douglass
Dennis Jacob, carpenter, Union st w of Ross
Dennis Frederick, ship carpenter. Bond st s of Alice Anna
Dennis Benj, paper hanger, Rock st n of Lexington
Dennis Mary, boarding house, 71 Saratoga st
Dennis Wm. cooper, Shroeder st, s of Saratoga
Dennison mrs Robert, Baltimore st w of Cove
Dennison & Conain, oil cloth carpet manufacturers, s High st
Denno Sater, grocery & liquor store, Eutaw st opposite Barre
Denny & Co. auction and commission store, 63 n Gay st
Denny Wm. lumber merch't &, ship joiner. Market st s of Bank
Denny Thos, auctioneer, dw lane st rear of Charles
Denson Isaac M. merchant, Light st whf, dw High st n of Wilk
Dent Charles, grocer, 11 w corner of Holland and Eden sts
Derberry Jacob, sawyer, Biddle alley w of Ross st
Derling Edward, oyster house, Caroline st s of Bank
Dermnery Jane, Forest st n of Madison
Derogh Samuel, carpet weaver, Granby st E of L. Gough
Deronceroy Charles, music teacher, 94 High st
++Deror Rachel Forest st n of Madison
Derr William, carpenter, Ross st w of Biddle
Dessim Henry, confectioner, Pratt st near the bridge
Despada Thos, (firm Waesche & Despada); dw 96 w Pratt st
Despeaux Anthony, ship carpenter, 3 Block st
Despeaux mrs. Ann, Philpot st next Manner's Church
Despeaux mrs Frances, 33 Phiipot st
Desvoureux James, fancy store, Bazaar; dw Pitt st n side
Devalin James, Lerew's alley extended
Devalin Hugh, smith and machinist, 86 Harrison st
Devaughn Wm. shoemaker, Salisbury st between Lloyd st and
Harford run
Devereaux James, fancy store, Bazaar Nos 1, 3 & 4; sw Pitt
Devier Wm. carpenter, 5 Holland st [st 3d door E of Exeter
Devier mrs Sarah, 153 French st
Dew Jane, Aisquith st n of Orleans