Director for 1835 DEM
Decoursey Henry, blacksmith, Water st 1 door E of Bond n side
Deegins mrs Ann, tutoress, Gay st E of Mott
Deen Mary, Baltimore st w of Cove
Deeter Anastasus, trunk maker, Bank st w of Spring
Deems Adam, blacksmith, Montgomery st near Light
Deems Ann, seamstress, Wagon alley near Howard st
Deems Jacob, commis, of health, 73 Pitt st
Deems Christopher, tanner, Sarah Ann st w of Cove
Deeton Ellen, grocer, cor Charles and Barre sts
Deford B. & Co. hide and leather dealers, 44 cor Calvert and
Lombard sts; dw B D. Cal vert st between Pleasant and
Mulberry sts
Deford Yorick, tanner, 5 York av
Degaris John, labourer, Alice Anna st E of Caroline
Degenhard Charles, tobacconist, 19 Bond st
Degilvin John, shoemaker, Falls st s of Thomas
Degoy Bartholomew, carpenter, 69 Harrison bt
De Gruchy John, Baltimore st E of Aisquith s side
Deichelbohrer Samuel, tavern & boarding house, 54 Bond st
Delacour David, accountant, Saratoga st E of Cove
Delahoe mrs. confectioner, 90 Eutaw st
Delahunt John, tanner, Market alley s of Lexington st
Delahunt Wm. carpenter, Orleans st w of Aisquith
Delano Henry D. (firm of Elder & Delano); dw 3 Caroline row
Caroline st
Delany Robert, Union tavern, 23 w Pratt st
Delany Michael, grocer, s w cor North and Baltimore sts
Delaway John, carpenter, 16 New Church st
Deleanlow Joseph, ship carpenter, Granby st E of L. Gough
Dell Wm. bookbinder, Wine st; dw Centre st near Howard
Delia Gcrard, blacksmith, Lee st near Charles
Dellavie & Brand, tobacconists, Pratt st 1 door E of the bridge
Dellehay James, shoemaker, Saratoga st near Howard
Delmas Alexis A. grocer, 4 n Calvert st; dw s Charles st bet
Lombard and Baltimore
++Delong Prout, weaver, Cove st near Pratt
++Delony Gray, Strawberry alley near Wilk st
++Delosher Isaac, labourer, Peirce st w of Pearl
Deloste Francis, watchmaker & jeweller, 44 Baltimore st
Deloughery Dr. Edward, 24 Pitt st
Delphey Orlando, cabinet maker, 101 Bond st
Delsher Mary, Holliday st near Pleasant
Delsher John, 166 n Gay st o T
Deluol Rev. L. R. superintend, of St Mary's Seminary, Penn av
n of Franklin st
Del Vechio Peter, High st n of Water
De Mangin Francis A. baker, 69 n Liberty st
Demeras James, wheelwright, Hanover Bazaar, Camden st
Demart Charles, Shakspear st w of Market
Demby William, Cove st extended