but 11; since then however the facilities of making lawyers and
doctors have greatly increased, and with these, each profession
has received a large accession of numbers, but whether either
science has advanced in the quality of its members, we pre-
tend not to say.
On the 20th of August 1773, Mr. Wm. Goddard of Rhode
Island commenced the publication of the first newspaper
ever published in Baltimore, called the "Maryland Journal
and Baltimore Advertiser. A line of packets and stages at
the head of Elk, to and from Philadelphia was established,
and a coffee house or hotel opened at the Point.
Up to this period the hills on which the Cathedral now
stands, the ground west of Green, now Exeter street, and the
south shore of the river from Lee street to the fort point were
covered either with forest trees or small plantations, and the
grounds between Town and Point were an open common.
The march of the population of the town up to the war of
the revolution, 1776, had been a slow one, and this is a cir-
cumstance calculated to excite our wonder, because it had
enjoyed an increasing commerce for many years, and though
its port of entry was Annapolis, its superior adaptation bad
always secured it a highly lucrative business. But let the cause
of ibis tardiness of increase be what it may, the fact is an
undeniable one, that at the commencement of the war of the
revolution, our population amounted only to about 5, 000 per-
sons but though small in n umbers, they were stout of heart, and
throughout the whole of that struggle, evinced a devotion to
liberty which knew no medium—a love of country which ad-
mitted of no compromise. To the numerical strength of the
army, she laudably contributed by sending forth her sons to
battle under the Eagle and Stripes; and when the loss of trade
brought ruin and distress upon one portion of her citizens,
those who were still so fortunate as to have escaped from
the inflictions of such visitations, nobly came forward to the
relief of their less fortunate fellow townsmen. Nor was this
chivalric spirit confined alone to the male inhabitants; for
the gentler sex—those lovely beings whom bounteous Provi-
dence in his kindness appointed as our solace in adversity—
vied with their husbands, brothers, and fathers, in works of
generous patriotism, of disinterested, pure love of country,
Did the soldier approach them in sickness arid want, they
nursed him with the tenderness of sisters, and when he de-
parted, it was under feelings too exquisite to give utterance
to the measure of gratitude which he felt for those more than
"Sisters of Charity"—who with the pious devotion of mothers
had pillowed his aching head, bound up his wounds, and
nursed him in sickness—but if he could not give utterance to
the grateful emotions with which he was inspired, he felt
them—exquisitively felt them—and he marched onward
more than "thrice armed, " because his cause was just, " and
female beauty and goodness had nerved his arm to strike for
Among the brave officers who did such effective service in
leading the Maryland line through every fortune of war—a