street church lot, then due south along the margin of these
grounds to the bank on the north side of the river near the
south east corner of General Smith's house, and then by that
bank various courses, nearly as Water street runs westerly
and southerly to the first mentioned point. "
On the fourteenth of the same month, most of the lots were
taken, but a few however remained untaken at the expiration
of seven years arid reverted to the original proprietor.
Most of the early settlers appear to have been members of
the Society of Friends, who were doubtless attracted here by
the prospect of finding in a distant country that respite from
persecution for religion's sake, which rendered them wretch-
ed at borne. Among them we find the families of the Gor-
suches, the Gileses, the Fellses, the Hopkinses, the Matthew-
ses, and the Taylorses.
In 1731 the town of Joppa being afflicted with the small
pox, the legislature suspended the sittings of the court there
during that year, a circumstance the most unfortunate, as
Baltimore was then about to commence the race of rivalry
under auspices which at least justified the hope of success,
ful competition
A new town on the land of Mr. Richard Colegate was laid
out in 1732 and called Jones's town, extending from Pitt to
Front street; and has since been known as "Old Town. "
It is stated that there were exported from Maryland and
Virginia as early as this period, annually, 60, 000 hogsheads of
tobacco, besides £1000 sterling worth" of lumber and skins,
employing 24, 000 tons of shipping.
As early as 1735 the preservation of the navigation received
attention, and masters of vessels were prohibited from casting
ballast into any creek or river emptying into the bay, as also
into the bay itself, above Cedar Point.
The first brickhouse was erected in 1740, by an Irish gen-
tleman by the name of Fotterall, who imported the materials.
It stood near the north-west intersection of Calvert and
Chatham now Fayette streets.
In 1745 the two towns of Baltimore and Jones'Town (now
Old Town) were erected into one town by the name of Bal-
timore town; and the importance into which the town ha
grown may be conceived from the fact, that the legislature at
the same session, in their wisdom, passed a law by which
geese and swine were prohibited from going at large—and
another law was passed providing for the guage of barrels for
pork, beef, tar, pitch and turpentine, the weight of pork and
beef in barrels, and the marking of tare on flour barrels. This
looking truly like an approach to commercial regulations,,
and was required by the increased trade of the town.
In 1748, Leonard and Daniel Barnitz, of York, Pennsylva-
nia, came here and erected a brewery on the south west cor-
ner of Baltimore and Hanover streets: we mention this as it
was the first established in our town; it has been of recent
years, succeeded by those ranges of stores on both streets
which add so much to the beauty and business ef that part
of the city,