BIL Matchett's Baltimore
Bitzell Peter, rnorocco dresser, Cove street extended
Bixler Daniel, tobacconist 57 n Howard street
Bizett Owen, ship carpenter, 144 s Eutaw street
Bizourd Thomas I. professor French language and Vice Con-
sul for his holiness the Pope, 30 Franklin street
Black Henry, malt yeast factory, 74 s Charles street
Black Vachel, stone ware factory, cor Paca st and Dutch alley
Black Vachel, tavern keeper, Annapolis road near Spring
Black John, weaver, Franklin street extended [Gardens
Black Thomas, flour merchant, 33 n Howard street
Black John, sailmaker, Happy alley n of Wilk street
+Black Jacob, labourer, Short alley,
+BIack Fayton, coachman, Forest street s of Douglass
Blackburn Thomas, cordwainer, Frederick st n of Water
Blackburn J. C. attorney at law, Courthouse lane
Blackburn Elizabeth, teacher, Paca street n of Mulberry
Blackiston John, cabinetmaker, Cove street s of Mulberry
Blackley William, victualler, Pm st 4th door w of Straw-
berry alley
Blackney Abel, Ensor street, s of Mott
++Blackstone Eliza, Park lane, E of Pine [dw 83 Green st
Blackwood Joseph, carpet merchant, lS3i Baltimore street
Blades Colmer, cordwainer, Penn. avenue n of Franklin st
Blades Elizabeth, milliner, Bond st n of Wilk st
Blades Rixon, brickmaker, Hughes st near Light
Blades Leonard, chair maker, 31 Exeter st [Pine
Blair James, justice of peace, 32 Eutaw st. dw Franklin st E of
Blair mrs Elizabeth, 29 Front street
Blake miss Margaret, dress maker, 22 E Baltimore street
Blake John, weaver, Lerew's alley
Blake George, grocer, 151 cor Busy alley and Sarp street
Blake James, Centre st near St Paul
Blake Hanson, carter, Run alley n of Lexington st
tBlake Isacc, barber, 67 w Pratt st. dw Caroline st near Meet-
ing house
++Blake Levin, labourer, Spring street n of Wilk
++Blake Charles, labourer, Gran by street 2 doors E of the Falls
++Blake Frisby, porter, Hillen street E of Front
+Blake Daniel, drayman, Bounty alley
++Blake Isaac, sawyer, Starr alley n of Fleet street
Blanchard T. H. hair dresser, 31 Centre Market space,
Blanohard mrs. 7 Waterloo row n Calvert st
Blandford John, ship carpenter, 10 Ann st
Blaney James, bricklayer, Baltimore st B of Pine
Blaney Thomas, victualler, York avenue
Blass Wm. H. cabinet maker, Comet st
Blaskie John G. tavern, 13 Thames st
Bleakly Samuel H. carrier, 5 Cheapside, dw Charles st betw
Conway and Barre
Blick Wm. B. teacher, Orleans st 2d door B of Spring