Director for 1835 BIT
Bigelow Charles & Co. shoe dealers, 186 Baltimore street
Biggert John, dry goods mt. 8 Harrison street, dw Pitt St E of
Aisquith street
Biggert Margaret, Pitt street w of Harford run
Bigham John, flour merchant, 26 Franklin street
Bikel Christopher, labourer, cor Cross and William sts
Billiton Charles, huckster, Spring street n of Gough
+Billingsly Henry, sawyer 10 s Liberty street
Billmyer Jacob, shoe store, 15 and 17 Maryland Arcade, dw
East street near Hillen
Bilson John, plasterer, 50 Pearl street
Bilton John, barber, 15 Market street
Binnack Elisha, plasterer, Monument st E of Aisquith
Bines Robt, agent for Baltimore Alms house,office 29 s Gay st
Binion Thomas, Fleet st w of Wolf
Binner Adam, cordwainer. Franklin st w of Chatsworth
Binney mrs Margaret, Exeter street s of French
Birch William S. Venitian blind manufacturer, 16 Light st
Birch William S. paper hanger, 23 n Howard street
Birch William S. venitian blind manufacturer and upholsterer
129 Baltimore st
Birchnell & Smith, carpenters, sw cor Eutaw and Mulberry
streets, dw T. Birchnell, Paca w of Franklin
Birchnell Thomas, carpenter, Wine street E of Cove
Birckhead and Pearce, commision merchants,83 Bowly's whf.
Birckhead Hugh, firm of do. dw n Charles street betw Barnet
and Lexington street
Birckhead Christopher, seaman, 10 Ann street
Birckhead Dr. Solomon, cor Saratoga and Charles streets
Bird Nathan, tailor, St Mary st s of Ross street
Birely V. and Co. hide and leather dealers, 10 Cheapside
Birkey Thomas H. grocer, NE cor Lexington and Howard sts.
dw Howard N of Saratoga
Birkey Thomas, dry goods mt. 84 n Howard street
Birnie Clotworthy jr. attorney at Law, 22 St. Paul st dw
Eutaw st 1 door n of Saratoga street
Biscroft Frederick H. manufacturer of smoking tobacco. Lee
street near Light
Biscoe John, shoemaker, Orleans street 4 doors E of Long lane
Biscoe James, commission merchant, cor Light and Camden
streets, dw Paca street E of Green
Bishop Richard, coachmaker, Charles st near Fayette
Bishop Elizabeth, widow, 28 Ann street
Bishop James, cordwainer, Peirce street E of Cove
Bishop Richard R. painter, Wolf st n of Thames
Bishop David, cabinet maker, East st s of French
+Bishop Rigdeo, Dutch allley E of Paca street
+Bishop Perry, carter, Sugar alley,
Bissett Thomas, watchman, 10 Peace alley
Bitinger John, cordwainer, 113 n Eutaw street