RID Matchett's Baltimore
Richardson C. V. & F. A. dry goods merchants, 19 Balto.
Richardson John W. dry goods merchant, 23 Baltimore s
dw 43 Albemarle st
Richardson Beale H. dry goods mt. 55 Balto, st. dw 81 Front
Richardson John W. ship carpenter, 81 Ann st
Richardson Edw. J. grocer, s e corner Pratt and Hanover st
dw 28 Conway st
Richardson Rachel, milliner, Mulberry st near Park
Richardson mrs Martha, Spring st s of Pratt
Richardson mrs Ellen, nurse, 59 Happy alley
+Richardson Charlotte, Sharp st s of Lexington
+Richardson Wm. barber, Welcome alley, between Sharp an
Howard sts
+Richardson Samuel, whitewashes 30 n Frederick st
+Richardson James, ship's steward, 51 Fleet st
Richie James, brass founder, Holland st w of Harford run
Richmond James, bricklayer, Low st bet Exeter and Potter
Richmond Henry, watchmaker, Union st w of Penn avenue
Richstine George, Sugar refiner, Green st s of Conway
Richstine John, sugar refiner, Perry st near Hanover
Rickart George, saddler, Green st n of German, shop Balti
more st e of Green
Ricketts David, flour inspector, Eutaw st s of Camden
Ricketts Hugh, 93 Green st
Rickey & Speddin, sailmakers, over 20 Light st wharf
Ricketts Benjamin, carpenter, Eden st s of Pitt
Ricketts Daniel, blacksmith, Armistead lane, near Light st
Rickter Frederick, potatoe and corn mer. 5 Light st wharf
dw Columbia st near 3 tuns tavern
Rickton Fred'k. Columbia st w of Paca
Riddle Conrad, scissor grinder, Saratoga st w of Cove
Riddle Alexander, labourer, Front st of s Hillen [tan yard
Riddle James, shoemaker, Lefferman's court, near French st
Rider Washington, brick maker, 129 s Sharp st
Rider mrs Elizabeth, Penn avenue s of St. Mary's st
Rider Aaron, dealer in second hand goods, Shakspeare street
e of Bond [St. Paul's and Fayette sts
Ridgate Benj. C. judge of orphans' court, office s w corner
Ridgely Archibald, constable, Columbia st w of Paca
Ridgely Charles G. attorney at law, 40 n Frederick st
Ridgely & Sons, dry goods merchant, 15 Baltimore st
Ridgely ————, iron store, 38 s Gay st
Ridgely James L. attorney at law, Paca st s of Ross
Ridgely John, 25 Hanover st
Ridgely James L. plaster store, cor Biddle st and Penn av
Ridgely Edward, 108 Hanover st
Ridgely Noah, justice of peace, opposite St. Peter's church
s Sharp st. dw and patent medicine establishment cor
Charles and Pleasant sts
Ridgely Charles W. 30 Conway st