Director for 1835. RIC
Riael Sarah, tavern keeper, s e cor Eutaw & Franklin sts
Rhodes William, com. mt. and agent for Philadelphia and
New York packets, 59 Smith's wharf
Rhodes Paul, Ruxion street
Rhodes George, merchant, Wine st w of Pine
Rhodes Benjamin C. 100 Lombard street
Rhodes Elijah, carter, Light st near Austin
Rhodes Simon, cordwainer, 18 Mercer street
Ricard, John R. merchant, 245 Baltimore st. dw Eutaw st n
of Fayette
Ricards & Pullman, dry goods mts. 142 Baltimore street, dw
John R. R. Eutaw street 2d door from Fayette
Rice William T. block and pump maker, Light street wharf
near Hughes's Quay
Rice mrs Mary, boarding house, 7 Light street wharf
Rice Henry D 49 Pitt street
Rich Arthur, 91 Hanover st
Richard Auguste, watchmaker, 5 s Gay Pt
Richards & son, American and British Periodical Agency
and Publication house, 10 Calvert st a few doors s of
Richards Samuel, Light st near Montgomery
Richards mrs Margaret, 22 s Charles st
Richards mrs Elizabeth, Light st near Montgomery
Richards mrs Isabella, n w cor Hull's lane and Aisquith st
Richards Timothy S. coachmaker, High st s of Hillen
Richards John C. flour merchant, 283 Baltimore st dw Lex-
ington st e of Sharp [Alice Anna st
Richards Catherine, grocer, n w corner of Argyle alley and
Richards Dr. John C. Lexington st near Liberty
Richards John, wheelwright, High st s of Hillen
Richards Jonathan, shoemaker, s w cor Caroline & Fleet sts
+ Richards Solomon, labourer, Ensor st n w of Monument
Richardson Nathan, painter, cor Calvert and Saratoga, sts. dw
70 Harrison street
Richardson William L. grocer, 26 Light street wharf
Richardson G. W. firm Wm. McDonald &, Co. dw 68 n High
Richardson George R attorney at law, Courthouse lane
Richardson William, shoe maker, Welcome alley betw Sharp
and Hanover streets
Richardson William, cordwainer, Pine street s of Franklin
Richardson mrs. Water street s of Exeter
Richardson William H. millwright, Fawn st w of Exeter
Richaidson Samuel, city bailiff, Monument st e of Aisquith
Richardson mrs Margaret, Hillen street e of Front
Richardson Wm. stage driver, 3 Ross st
Richardson mrs Mary, mantua maker. Ross st w of Eutaw
Richardson Wm. millwright, Rock st n of Lexington
Richardson Robert, Fayette st e of Pine
Richardson Henry, bricklayer, 16 Sterling st