Director for 1835. MCA
+Mattix Lazarus, porter. Park,lane e of Pine st
Mattox Rachel, tavern keeper, 80 w Pratt st near Sharp
Mattox William, Water st 1st house w of Harford run
Mattox Thomas, watchman, Sugar alley
Maule George, tailor, Charles st near Montgomery
Maulseed Samuel, Richmond st near Howard
Maulsby'David L.igrocer 114 High [st
Maureau Louisa, tutoress, n w corner New & Paca sts.
Maurer Henry, confectioner, 100 n Howard st
Maxfield, Susan, victualler, York avenue
Maxfield Jno. labourer, Lombard st near Hanover
Maxwell Jno. stone cutter, Pitt st one door s of Eden
+Maxwell Sarah, washer, Salisbury st w of Harford run
Maxwell;Joseph, labourer, 15 Lerew's alley
May Edward, carpenter, Paca st n of Franklin
May James, painter, 2 Saratoga st
May & Cole, carpenters, Davis st near Lexington, dw E May
Paca st N of Franklin
Maybury William, bricklayer, Covest N of Pearce
Maybury Thomas, plaister [ ]
Maydwell John, 68 Harrison street
Mayer Brantz, residence Saratoga betw. Pearl & Pine sts office
Cortland st betw, Lexington & Saratoga
Mayer Henry, tailor, Low w of Aisquith st
Mayer Charles F. Franklin st near Charles, office Courtland st
betw. Lexington and Saratoga sts
Mayer Christian, president Neptune Insurance Co. &, Consul
of Wurtemburg, office Exchange, dw Saratoga st e of
Mayers Nicholas, shipping master, 107 Bond st
Mayfield John, gunlocksmith, Baltimore st E of Eden
Mayfield Thomas, sup. of drug mill, BE cor of Green & G
Mayfield Maria, Baltimore st e of Cove [man.
Mayfield Elizabeth, milliner, 63 n Howard st
Mayfield William, carpenter, Williamson alley
Mayger Richard, machinist, 109 Aisquith st
Mayger Charles, millwright, Potter st n of Necessity alley
Mayhew Wm. E. & Co. com. mts. 20 s Charles st. dw of W-
E. M. 26 St. Paul st
Maynard Charles, hairdresser, 18 n Gay st
Maynard mrs Mary, Pratt st 4th house E President
Maynard Doctor, 11 German st
Mayner Jno. tailor, s Charles st
Mayo Jno. tavern keeper, 67 Hanover st
Mayo Simon, seaman, Lancaster st w of Market
Mayer's office, City Hall Holiday st
McAlease mrs Phoebe, tailoress, Granby st w of Gough
McAleese Archibald, grocer, NE corner Park & Saratoga sts
McAllister John, chair manufacturer, 34 Harrison street, dw
Forest street near Ensor
McAllister Archibald, grocer. Fawn st w of High