MAT Matchett's Baltimore
Mason Timothy, grocer, Camden st near Sharp
Mason Mary, 53 Pearl street
Mason Abraham, sail maker, Ann st s of Wilk
+Mason Noble,labourer, Chatsworth st n of Franklin
+Mason Thomas, labourer, Addison st n side
Masonic Hall, St. Paul st n of Fayette, see Appendix
Massault Fenelon, 47 n Gay street
Mass Samuel, cooper, Paca street n of Mulberry, shop Frank-
lin st e of Eutaw
Massey Thomas,wheelwright, 22 Sterling street
Massey A. carpenter, Orleans street 1st house e of Har. run
Massey Nathan, blacksmith, 180 n Gay street
Massey Jesse, hatter, 5 Mercer street
Massecott capt William, 45 Albemarle
Mast Henry, jr. confectioner, Eden street s of York
Masterson Charles, labourer, Penn, avenue n of Franklin st
Masterson mrs Mary, Biddle alley w of Ross street
Matchett Richard J. printer, cor Gay & Water sts, dw 65
Matha mrs Mary A. Union st e of Penn avenue [Harrison st
Mathers and Martin, merchant tailors, 52 w Fayette street
Mathers James, tailor, Fayette st e of Howard, dw SI Pearl
Mather Elizabeth, tailoress, 24 Sterling street
Mathiot A. fancy chair maker, 18 n Gay street
Mathiot mrs Mary, East sts of Ensor
Mathiot mrs Elizabeth, grocer, High st n of Stiles
Mattan Jesse labourer, Biddle alley w of Ross st
Matthews John jr. 93 Pratt st between Howard and Eutaw Sts
Matthews Alexander, tanner, Forest st n of Madison
Matthews Joshua, 17 McElderry's wharf
Matthews Wm. drayman, Eager alley near Franklin st
Matthews &, Hopkins, com. mts. 10 Bowly's wharf, dw of T.
R. Mathews, 34 Eutaw street
Matthews Michael, shop keeper, cor Hull's lane & Forest st
Matthews Susan, 107 n Eutaw street
Matthews John, labourer, Inloes alley
Matthews Samuel, s e cor Pitt and East sts
Matthews Thomas, lumber merchant, 97 High street
Matthews John, 178 n Gay street o. t.
Matthews John, carpenter, 10 New street
Matthews Thomas, millwright, Baltimore st w of Cove
Matthews L. B. botanic physician, Fleet st w of Apple alley
+Matthews Lemuel G. labourer, Run alley n of Fayette
+Matthews William, drayman, 33 Lerew's alley
+Matthews Betsy, Moore alley w of Eutaw street
+Matthews Richard, porter, Saratoga stw of Green
+Matthews James trunk maker, Saratoga st w of Green
Matthison John, grocer, Montgomery st near Charles
Mattin James; grocery & liquor store, s w cor Pearl & Fayette
Mattingly John, watchman, Montgomery st near Charles
Mattis John, Madison st n of Biddle