LYE Matchett's Baltimore
Lower Conrad, labourer, w end Baltimore street
Lowndes James, Holland st e of Aisquith
Lowry William, St. Paul st s of Mulberry
Lowry Robt. H. Barnet st near Sharp
Lowry Robert H. dw Barnet st near Sharp
Lowry mr. of Custom house, Wilk st e of Exeter
Lowry Thos. 1. tailor, Penn. av. extended, shop 52 Balto, st
Lowry George, grocer, Aisquith st n of Douglass
Lowry John, ship carpenter, 46 Happy alley
Lucas & Deaver, printers, 19 s Calvert st. dw J. L. Exeter
street near Water
Lucas Fielding jr. bookseller & stationer, 138 Batimore st. dw
n e cor st Paul and Saratoga streets
Lucas Samuel, brewer, n e cor Hanover and Conway sts. dw
103 Hanover street
Lucas Sarah, Commons n of Spring Gardens
Lucas Thomas, shoemaker, 17 1/2 Market street
Lucas Thomas, shoemaker, 7 Bank street
Lucas capt Thomas, Stiles st w of Exeter
Lucas Ed ward, shoemaker, 62 Market st f p
Lucas James, bricklayer, Friendship st 2d door n of Orleans
Lucas Joshua, carpenter, Schroeder st n of Saratoga
Lucas Peter B. tailor, Fleet st w of Bond
Lucas Wm, & R. N. Wight, booksellers and stationers, 110
Lucas William R. dw cor German & Green sis [Balto, st
+Lucas George, labourer, 13 Concord street
Luck Rebecca, 49 Fleet street
+Luckey John, wheelwright, 3 Sterling street
Ludden Lemuel, hardware merchant, n w cor Liberty and
Baltimore sts
Ludekin Henry D. tailor, 85 Harrison st
Luffley George, iron worker, York st near Light
Lugent Christiana, St. Mary st n of Penn avenue
Luginsland Daniel, confectioner, Penn, av n of Franklin st
Luman Christian, music teacher, 106 Exeter street
Luntz Joseph, carpet manufacturer, Granby st w of Albemarle
Lurman G. W. firm of Oelricks & Lurman, dw Charles st
+Lurton Grace, Lee st. e of Charles [3 doors n of Mulberry
Lusby N. dry goods store, 21 w Pratt street
Lusby William, clothing store, 40 s Calvert st & Baltimore st
2 doors e of Calvert
Lusby William, merchant tailor. 111 Baltimore street
Lush John, carpenter, Eden street s of Pratt
Lutheran Church, (1st Evangelical English) Lexington st. betw
Park and Howard streets
Luthold Catherine, Pearl street n of Mulberry
Lutts Frederick, cedar cooper, Park lane e of Pine street
Lydia mrs. hotel, Chesnut alley w of Pine street
Lyel John, millwright Hill st near Light
Lyeth Samuel, carpenter, Green st n of Mulberry