Director for 1835. LOW
Lomin Henry, tavern keeper, 69 w Pratt street
+London James P. Potter street n of Douglass
Loney William, dry goods merchant, cor Gay and High sts
Long Richard D. carpenter, 42 n Gay street, shop Grant st
near Baltimore
Long Reuben, 34 Conway street
Long Samuel, boot and shoemaker, 59 South street
Long Harman, grocer, cor Howard and Barre sts
Long Levi, boot & shoemaker, basement of City hotel, Cal-
Long Thomas H. tinner, Thames st e of Market [vert st
Long Elizabeth, seamstress, Temple street
Long mrs Mary, 73 n Gay street
Long Thomas, plumber, Shakspeare st w of Market
Long Sarah, grocer, cor East and Ensor its
Long Cornelius B. shoestore, 5 Market street
Long Henry, printer, 115 Aisquith street
Longly George, carter, Amity st n of Lexington
Longly William, labourer, Busy alley
+Longly John, brickmaker, Eutaw st opposite Barre
Lookinland Andrew, victualler, Amity st n of Lexington
Looney Martha, grocer, 67 e Baltimore street
Looney Charles, shoemaker, Holland st e of Harford run
Lorkin William, grocery and flour mt. 39 C. Market space
Lorman William, merchant, s e cor Charles & Lexington sts
Lorman Joseph, tavern keeper, and drayman, 34 Block street
Lorton Maria, Peach alley w of Chatsworth st
Lorton William, boot maker, Henrietta st near Charles
Lory Edward, fisherman, William at near Cross
Lottery Commissioners' office, Fayette st near Calvert
++Louden Jenty, Star alley, n of Fleet st
Loudcnslager, Thomas, victualler, Loudenslager's hill n side
Loudenslager Conrad, carpenter, Union st e of Pine
Louge Peter, labourer, 74 s Howard st
Louman & Mitchell,tavern keepers, 73 & 81 M'Elderry's whf
Lourman Henry, shoemaker, Light st near Quay alley
Love Andrew, shoemaker Henrietta st near Charles
Lovt Wm. S. apothecary and chemist, 65 Lexington st
Lovegrove James, bookseller, stationer and bookbinder, 23 s
Lovejoy Amos, dry goods mt. 45 Baltimore st Calvert st.
Lovell Wm. baker, 57 n Gay st
Lovering Henry, com mt 75 Bowley's wharf
+Lovet Perry, drayman, Low st. bet High and Exeter
Lovet Wm. ropemaker, Light st s of West
Low Catherine,Lpng alley n of Franklin st
Low Thos. H. printer, Mulberry st near Park
Low John, shoe store, 34 Pratt near Hanover st
Low Alfred, painter, Alice Anna st e of Caroline
Low mrs Sarah, China store, Eutaw street n of Lexington
+Lowe David, porter, Marion street near Park
Lowe Henderson F. Pact st of Mulberry