buildings situate in Gay and Second streets, front on Second—
the Custom House the South West corner, fronting on Water
street—the Commercial Reading1 Rooms and Tavern, occupying
the remainder of the building, fronting on Gay, Second and Water
streets, the principal entrance to the Tavern being1 from the
splendid new building on the South-West corner of the lot on
Water street.
Markets.—Centre Market, comer of Baltimore street and
Marsh Market Space, opposite Harrison street. Lexington
Market, corner of Eutaw and Lexington streets, chief front on
Paca street. Hanover Market, Hanover, South of Pratt street,
Fell's Point Market, Market street, Fell's Point, between Thames
and Alice Anna street. Bel-Air Market, situate on North Gay
street, between Gay and Low streets. Horse Market, Swan
street, between Market Space and the Falls. Fish Market, Fish
Market Space, running from Centre Market Space to the Falls.
Richmond Market, Richmond street.
Arcades.—Two adjoining each other, West side of Marsh Mar-
ket Space, between Second and Water streets—the Maryland
and the Union.
Bazaars.—Daley's, in Harrison street; one on the East side of
Market street, Fell's Point, and another at the Lexington Market;
another North East corner of Hanover and Camden streets.
Fountains, or city public Springs.—North Calvert, near Sara-
toga street; corner South Charles and Camden streets; head o
Marsh Market Space; corner of Pratt and Eden streets.
Water Works.—Reservoirs North corner of Calvert and Mad-
ison streets and Calvert and Monument streets; Office North Gay
near Second.
Pavitlion Baths.—Corner East Saratoga and Davis streets.
Commissioners of Insolvent Debtors—Messrs. Eichelberger,
Finley and Davidge. Clerk, Stephen H. Moore. Sit daily, Sun-
day excepted.
County Commissioners—Messrs. Ellicott, Hoshell and Holmes,
Clerk, Elhanan Young. The Commissioners are elected annually
by the voters of Baltimore County.
The Jail.—Situate on the East side of Jones's Falls, on the
West end of the same square of the Maryland Penitentiary, front-
ing on Jones's Falls, opposite Howard's Park. Warden, David
The Maryland Penitentiary is situated immediately North of
the Jail, fronting on the South, bounded by Forest and Madi-
son streets and running back to the property formerly owned
by Dr. Stevenson. Keeper, Joseph Owens.
Masonic Hall.—Situate on the East side of St. Paul street,
North of Fayette, and bounded on its North front by Court House
lane. The United States Circuit and District Courts hold tbeir
sessions here. El;as Glenn District Judge. The Circuit Court
has for its presiding Judge, the Associate Justice of the Supreme
Court for the Maryland District, al present vacant by the resig-
nation of Judge Duval. Thomas Spicer, Clerk; Nathaniel Wil-
liams, District Attorney;
Circuit Court is held 8th April and 8th November—the Marshall
first Tuesday of March, June, September and December District