Director for 1835 LAU
Langley George, labourer, Hampstead st w of Caroline
Langley David, cabinet maker, Britton st n e of Monument
Langlin John, Calvert st n of Eager
Langrall Asa, tailor, Concord st
Lanham John, ship joiner, Argyle alley s of Alice Anna st
Lankin Michael, labourer, corner Low and Front sts
Lankee Jolin L. printer, 46 Exeter st
Lankford Wiley, dry goods store, 10 Bazaar, dw Baltimore st
between Light arid Charles
Lankford Wm. ship joiner, Bond st s of Wilk
Lankford mrs M. A. milliner, over 157 Baltimore st
Lanmon James IT. attorney at law. Fayette st near Calvert
Lansden Catherine, Pleasant st near Park
La Prade John B, barber, 44 n Howard st
+La Prat John, barber, Peirce st w of Pearl
Larkin Hugh, labourer, Penn avenue extended [ette st
La Reintree John Lewis, teacher of French & Spanish,2Fay-
Large Daniel, steam engine manufacturer, w Falls avenue
near the bridge, dw Exeter st n of Pratt
++Large Richard, carter, Salisbury st w of Harford run
Larkins Wm. victualler, Union alley e of Eden st
Laroque J. M. chemist & druggist, n e cor Balto & Harrison
Laroque Edward, surgeon dentist, 31 n Charles st [sts
Larrabee Ephraim, s e corner Calvert and Water Sta
Larrabee Daniel, dw near Charles st city spring court run-
ning from Charles st
Lasing Frederick, Sterling st n of Monument
Lasky Alexander, seaman, Lancaster st e of Caroline
Last Ann, shopkeeper, 3 Alice Anna st
Latch Gerlach, grocer, Baltimore st w of Cove
Lath Wm. tavern, Lombard st w of Pine
Latham Edward, cordwainer, Chamberlain alley near Eutaw st
Latham Sarah, grocer, Eager alley near Mulbery st
Lathe Elie, shoe store, 59 s Charles st
Lathers, mrs Ruth, Baltimore st w of Cove
Latimer Js. B. notary public and justice of peace, s w corner
of Fayette and St Paul sts dw n e corner of Court-
land & Saratoga sts.
Latimer Randolph W. 72 s Sharp st
Latourday mrs Penn av. w of Franklin st
Latrobe J. H. B. attorney at law, Calvert st 2 doors s of Fay-
ette, dw Mulberry st w of Charles
Latty John J. vessel water supplier, Wolf st n of Fell
Lauch Joseph, carpenter, n e corner Monument & Ensor sts
Lauder Charles, shoemaker, 9 Stiles st
Lauder John, stone mason, French st n of Front
Lauder Samuel, cabinet maker, Busy alley
Lauderman John, 57 Market st f p
Lauderman capt. Jacob, 79 Alice Anna st
Lauderman Henry, baker, 26 Market st f p