LAN Matchett's Baltimore
Lafetra J. boot & shoemaker, 64 w Pratt st dw 28 n Gay st o t
Lafetra T. H. 64 w Pratt st near Hanover
Lafferty Wm. W. proprietor Belvidere cottage, North st n of
Lafferty David, s e corner Sterling and Molt sts [Eager
Lafitte John S. merchant, 4 Commerce st dw Franklin street
near Saint Paul
La Fleur ————, hair dresser, 5 Park st
Lainhart Mary, Brewhouse alley n of Camden st
Lake & co. 8 s Charles st
Lamb John, inspector of weights and measures, 17 Concord
st dw Fall's avenue
Lamb Michael, tanner, French st near Centre
Lamb John, labourer, s e corner Holiday and Centre
Lamb John, stock manufacturer, 1 s Calvert st dw 84 High
Lamb Daniel, dairyman, Paca st w of Green
Lambert Wm. grocer, 180 n Gay st o t
Lambie James, shoemaker, Hamstead st e of Eden
Lambert Francis, professor of music, 180 n Gay st o t
Lambert Lewis, carpenter, Rock st n of Lexington
Lambden James, oak cooper, Eutaw st n of Franklin
Lambock Wm. paver, Wilk st e of President
Lambourn Cornelius, mail driver, 39 Constitution st
Lamden Edward S. sail maker, 5 Dugan's wharf dw Pratt st
near Caroline
Lamden Thomas, ship carpenter, Argyle al. n of Lancaster st
Lamden Robert, ship carpenter, Pratt st w of Harford run
Lamden Wm. S. ship carpenter, 87 Alice Anna st
Lamy John B. shipwright Lancaster st w of Ann
Lancaster Aaron, cabinet maker, Jefferson row Conway st
Lancaster Wm. carpenter, Hampstead st e of Eden
Lancaster Thomas, carpenter, Gough st e of Eden
Lancaster John, huckster, Biddle st e of Penn avenue
Lancaster George, labourer, Hamburg st near Light
Lancaster John, cabinet maker, Mercer st near Light
Landerman Mary, 25 Bond st
Landgraff Anthony, manager of glass house, Johnson st
Landis Henry, keeper wheat sheaf inn, cor Low & Front sts
++Landsdale Walter, labourer, Carpenter's alley
Lane Joseph, spar maker, 106 Wolf st
Lane Thomas, harbour master, office lower end Patterson st
dw 78 Pitt street
Lane Wm. shoemaker, 185 French st
Lane Alexander, 7 e Baltimore st
Lane Elizabeth, 4 Block st
tLane Caroline, Pine st s of Peirce
Lang Alexander, stone mason, Tripolett's alley
Lang Ann, Lombard st near 3 tuns tavern
Lang Henry, coachmaker, n side Lee st near Light
Lange August, harness maker, 46 Franklin st
Langley Ellen, Annapolis road near spring gardens