KEI Matchett's Baltimore
Kail A. F. 168 Hanover st
Kane Mary, Lee st near Light
Kann Lloyd, fisher, Cross st near Johnson
Kann J. K. grocer and commission merchant, 25 Cheapside,
dw 51 s Sharp st
Kare Patrick, carter, s e corner Lexington and Green sts
Karr John, labourer, Hillen st w of High
Karr Catherine, tailoress, cor Saratoga and Sharp sts
Karthaus C. W. Kurtz & co. merchants, 45 s Gay st
Karthaus Charles W. dw Baltimore st w of Aisquith
Karthaus —— , Pratt st 1 door e of High
Kauderer John, grocer, s e corner Sharp and Barre sts
Kaufman Christian, labourer, Eutaw st near Austin
Kaufman Joseph C. tailor, Camden st near Howard
Kaufman Margaret J. Camden st near Howard
Kauffman Daniel, painter, Paca st e side s of Ross
Kauffman K. pedlar, Lancaster st e of Caroline
Kaufske Augusta, labourer. Commerce st bet. Pratt and Cable
Kaugh Thomas, labourer, Cross st near William
++Kay James, sawyer, Happy alley n of Fleet st
Kaylor Jacob, tavern keeper, 11 Fish Market
Kaylor George, baker and grocer, 73 Centre Market space
Kayton Abram, shoemaker, Lancaster st e of Bond
Keady Wm. tailor, East st n of Pitt
Keafer Henry, Saratoga st e of Cove
Keary Thomas, shoemaker, 10 Alice Anna st
Keas Peter, grocer, York av. int. of Monument and Forest sts
Keatinge George, printer, over corner Tripolett's alley and
Baltimore st dw 124 Exeter st
Keatler Frederick, bricklayer, Sterling st n of Monument
Keavins Samnel, grocer, s w corner Strawberry alley & Fleet st
Kecholt Henry, Eutaw st n of Camden
Keck George, carter, Henrietta st near Charles
Keeler John, carpenter, Aisquith st s of Jefferson
Keller Conrad, turner, 27 Lombard st dw 20 do
Keenan A. proprietor Union hotel, 39 South st
Keenan James, cordwainer, Lexington st w of Paca
Keenan James, horse shoer, Howard st opposite Centre dw
116 n Eutaw st
Keene John H. grocer, Lexington st e of Paca
Keene Ann, Hill st near Light [n of Market
Keene John, oil and paint store, 46 n Howard st dw Eutaw st
Keener John, gunsmith, 8 Water st w of South
Keener Dr. David, Charles st 1 door n of Fayette
Keener Alexander, huckster, Cove st n of Saratoga
Keener C. & Fitzgerald, druggists, 150 Baltimore street
Keenwright Andrew, tailor and scourer, 18 Mulberry st
Keerl mrs Margaret, German st near Howard
Kehlenbeck Mary, grocer, n w cor Eutaw and Camden Sta
Keiblen David, labourer, Sterling st n of Monument