Director for 1835. KAL
++Jones Mrs. huckster, Busy alley
+Jones Thomas, labourer, Sugar alley
+Jones Harry, Sugar alley
+Jones Isaac, labourer, Williamson alley
+Jones Rachel, Williamson alley
+Jones Andrew, porter, Douglass st w of Forest
++Jones Marshall, labourer, Cove st extended
+Jones David P. porter, 45 Pearl st
+Jones David, drayman, cor Green and Fayette sts
+Jones Richard T. brick maker, Eutaw st opposite Barre
++Jones Sarah, 26 s Liberty st
++Jones Letitia, 28 s Liberty st
+Jones James, sawyer. Centre st near St Paul
Jordan Lewis G. confectioner and distiller, 1 M'Clellan st
Jordan John M. plumber, 59 Centre Market space; dw 55 do
Jordan Henry, grocery and liquor store, Lexington w of Paca
Jordan Charles, dry goods and fancy store, 36 Centre Market
space, and fancy store, 3 Maryland Arcade
Jordan William, city bailiff, Pine st w side n of Franklin
Jordan James, blacksmith, Ross s w of Eutaw
Jordan Charles, confectioner, J 001 Baltimore st
+Jordan John, cabinet maker, Potter st n of Low
Jory John, shoe maker, Light st bet Sugar al &, Montgomery
Jourdan wm. grocery and feed store, Wilk st w of Wolf
Jourdan mrs Margaret, French st near High
Jourdan Thomas, carpenter, French st opposite Exeter
Jourdan William, carpenter, Bond st s of York
Joy Edward, gardener, Hampstead st n side e of Caroline
Joy James, porter cellar, cor German and Paca sts
++Jubb Martha, Happy alley n of Lancaster st
Juda & Block, com. mts. 4 Spear's vvhf
Juda David, firm do. dw Holliday st near Pleasant
Judea Martin, Baltimore st w of Cove
Judefind John, cordwainer, Lee st bet Light and Charles
Judlin Andrew F. upholsterer, 29 n Gay si; dw Gay e of Ais-
Junes Elizabeth, Shakspeare st e of Bond [quith
Jury William, shoe maker, Alice Aunast w of Happy alley
Justes Wm. S. clock and watch maker, 29 e Pratt st; dw Gran-
Justice Mrs. 32 Thames st [ by near Gough
KADY MOSES, Lexington st extended
Kain Wm. E. carpenter, Busy alley
Kain Richard, iabourer,Spring st s of Pratt
Kalb Joseph, 119 Pratt st
Kalbfus Catherine, tailoress, Mott st e side
Kalbfus D. & L. jr. morocco dressers, 2 Cheapside
Kalbfus Daniel, firm do. dw Penn ave extended
Kalbfus Lewis, firm do. dw 87 s Paca st
Kalbfus Lewis, sen. morocco dresser, dw Penn ave extended
Kalkman Frederick, dw Lexington st w of Pine [Conway
Kail John T, firm of Thomas, Kall & Co. dw Jefferson row