Director for 1835. HOW
Hoppe Justus, justice of peace, sw corner Gay and Water
sts dw 18 Hanover st
Horn John, victualler, Eutaw st n of Pratt
Horn Thomas, bricklayer, 1 Comet st
Horn John, carpenter, Canal st n of Holland
Horn Benjamin, tanner, Penn avenue extended
Horn Jacob, dry goods merchant, 59 n Howard st
Horn mrs Mary, Ross st e of Paca
Horn Absalom, seaman, Argyle alley n of Lancaster st
Horn Henry, watchman, Schroeder st s of Saratoga
Horner Abel, Yorkst w of Light, dw cor Light & Hughes sts
Horner Samuel, ship carpenter, 24 Block st
Homey Edward, shoe store, 18 Bazaar, dw Water st 1 door
w of Apple alley
++Horney Julian, Run alley s of Lexington st
++Horsey Samuel, labourer, Guilford alley near Light st
Horsman Charles, ship joiner, Bank st e of Market
Horstman Henrich, grocer, 57 Harrison st
Horton Wm. cordwainer, Jew alley n of Dutch
Morton Isaiah, stage proprietor, Hanover st near Lee
Horton James, 59 Pitt st
Horton John S. engraver, 153 Baltimore st
Hortz John, shoemaker, 70 Bond st
Horwitz Dr. n e corner Eutaw and Saratoga sts
Hose First Baltimore, house, 7 M'Clellan's st
Hoskins rev. J. H. vice president St Mary's college
Hotchkiss J. P. firm Farrington & Hotchkiss, dw Eutaw house
Hotmire Henry, victualler, cor Penn, avenue and Hoffman st
Houch John, carpenter, Wilk st e of President
Houck Jacob, laboratory, & botanic panacea, 121 Baltimore fit
Hough, Turner & co. grocers, 1 Pratt st wharf
Hough Robert, 65 Lombard st
Hough Jefferson, clock and watch maker, 26 1/2 Pratt st near
Houlton mrs. Hampstead st [Charles
Houp Joseph, cigar maker, Columbia st bet Howard & Eutaw
House & Woollen, lumber merchants, 28 Light st wharf
House Samuel, and sons, lumber and coal merchants, corner
Light and Barre sts
House Samuel, firm do dw cor. Camden st and Beaford alley
House Wm. A. firm do dw Camden st adjoining city spring
House Jesse, carpenter, Douglassst 1 door w of Aisquith
House Wm. chairmaker, Gough st e of Caroline
Housten James F. Paca st s of Columbia
Hover Jacob, drover, Madison st extended
Hovington miss Mary, dry goods store, 24 Maryland Arcade
How Martha, 34 Block st
+How Wm. labourer, Spring st s of Wilk
Howard James, president Franklin Bank of Baltimore, dw
Frederick st between Baltimore and Second
Howard Benjamin C. Calvert st n of Eager