HOP Matchett's Baltimore
Hooper James and sons, grocers, 16 Light st wharf
Hooper James, firm do dw Charles st 3 doors s of Barre
Hooper John P. firm do dw Charles st 2 doors s of Barre
Hooper James, jr. firm do dw Barre st bet. Hanover & Sharp
Hooper Thomas, cooper, Commerce st betw. Pratt and Cable
dw Caroline st between Pinkney and Pratt
Hooper Wm. firm Hardister, Hooper and co. dw Pratt st be-
tween Exeter and High
Hooper Wm. E. dw s High st near Fawn
Hooper James, jr. carpenter, Gay st e of Forest
Hooper James, 75 Bond st
Hooper Amasa, painter, 172 n Gay st o t
Hooper miss, Penn, avenue extended
Hooper Wm. E. sailmaker, 104 High st
Hooper Mary, seamstress, Harford road n of the Church
Hooper Ruth, seamstress, Harford road n of the Church
Hooper Wm. carpenter, do do do
Hooper Wm. dray man, Caroline st n of Mullikin
+Hooper Sarah, Eutaw st near spring gardens
+Hooper Adelia, Ruxton st
Hoover Francis, victualler, Columbia st
Hoover George, victualler, Columbia st near Cove
Hope Daniel, brush maker, 1 n Liberty st dw 52 do
Hope Mount institution, Madison st extended
Hope Matthias, tobacconist, Chamberlain al. near Eutaw st
Hopkins Wm. L. corner Calvert and Pratt sts
Hopkins Jerard J. dry goods mt. 18 Centre Market space
Hopkins Samuel, mt. Bowly's wf. du St Paul st n of Mulberry
Hopkins Wesley, tailor, Jew alley n of Dutch
Hopkins miss Charlotte, corner Pitt and L. Comet sts
Hopkins Samuel, Biddle st e of Penn avenue
Hopkins James, corner Exeter and Granby sts
Hopkins T. W. & G. grocers and Commission merchants,
corner Pratt st and Light st wharf
Hopkins Samuel, firm Matthews and Hopkins; dw St Paul st
E side, 3 doors s of Franklin
Hopkins Grace R. n w corner Baltimore and East sts
Hopkins Edward, shoemaker, 11 Thomsen st
Hopkins Wm. M. dry goods merchant, 101 Baltimore st
Hopkins James, watchman, Bond st n of Wilk
Hopkins Bazil B 77 Lombard st
Hopkins G. T. dw Barre st near Sharp
Hopkins Johns, Franklin st near St. Paul's lane
Hopkins Thomas, pilot, Wolf st n of Thames
Hopkins Richard, broker, 39 Albemarle st
Hopkins & brothers, grocers, 6 Pratt st wharf, dw J. Hopkins
Franklin st 2d door from St Paul
+Hopkins Hannah, Davis st near Pleasant
Hopkinson mrs Mary, Biddle st
Hoppe Augustus, locksmith. Long alley s of Ross st