GAN Matchett's Baltimore
Gable John, 45 Light street
Gable Julia, commons n of Spring Gardens
Gable Henry, grocer, corner Friendship and Douglass st s
Gadd Luther, shoemaker, Homespun alley
Gaddes Alexander, stone cutter, sw cor Sharp and German sts
Gade John, lace and fringe maker, 35 n Gay street
Gade mrs Catherine, cor Light and Mercer sts
Gafford Cordelia, boarding house, 68 Centre Market space
Gainter Catherine, York avenue
Gaither Geo, R. wholesale dry goods mt. 203 Baltimore st. dw
Fayette street near Eutaw
+Gale Archibald, drayman. Exeter street s of French
Galibart Joseph jr. cooper, 118 Wolf street
Gallagher Patrick, 46 Harrison street
Gallagher Richard, clerk, Ross st w of Futaw
Gallagher Patrick, cordwainer, 30 n Frederick street
Gallagher James, labourer, Long alley s of Ross street
Gallaher John, labourer, SE cor Monument and Eutaw sts
Gallagher Patrick, York st near Charles
Gallagher James, cor Franklin st and Lerew's alley
Galland J. B. merchant tailor, 8 Water street
Gallaugher Micnael, soap and candle factor, 78 Wagon alley
Gallaway Aquilla, Gravel alley rear of Calvert st City spring
Gallaway Jehu, tobacconist, 49£ n Gay st o. t. dw Belle Air
Gallaway Richard L. Franklin st near Howard [road
Gallaway Benjamin, watchman, Armistead lane near Light st
Gallaway Aquilla, carter, Mulberry street near Park
+Gallimason Joseph, seaman, Caroline st near Wilk
Galloway Mary, Ruxton lane near Charles st
Galloway Robert, carpenter, 239 n Howard st
Galloway Thomas, painter, Eden st s of Gough
Galloway Thomas, shipsmith, Sharp st near Busy alley
Gallup Rufus. printer, Eden st s of Pratt
Galt captain Henry, Alice Anna st e of Market
Galt mrs Eliza, 19 Thames st
Galt Thompson, Harford road s e side
Galt John M. Bond st s of Alice Anna
Galvin John, teacher, 18 Pitt st
Galvin Chas Oxford Farm Dairy, 63 Fayette st
Galway & Brown, grocers, 108 n Howard st
+Gamble Thomas, Forest st s of Douglass, sexton 2d Presby-
terian Church
Gambrill Thomas, cordwainer, Penn av s of Hoffman st
Gambrill John M. millwright, Baltimore st near Cove s side
Gambrill John, 9 York av
Gammell mrs. cor Mercer and Grant sts
Gankmakle Ludovie, victualler, Light st bet Cross & Hamburg
Ganteaume captain Henry, Caroline row, Caroline st
Gantt capt. C. L. custom-house inspector, 45 Water st e of Gay