Director for 1835. FUS
Freyer E. S. carver & gilder, 2 n Gay street
Freyer Henry, lime mt. 49 n Gay st, dw Forest st near Hillen
Frick mrs. 10 n Gay street
Frick William, attorney at law, cor Courtland & Saratoga sts
Frick Dr. 10 N Gay street
Fridge Alexander, 8 s Charles St
+Frie William, brickmaker, Pratt street road
Friedenwaid James, second hand clothing store, 22 Bond st
Friese Philip R. J. Baltimore window glass manufacturer, 3
Lorrnan Row, Hanover st. dw 65 Hanover street
Friends' Meeting house, nw cor Courtland and Saratoga sts
Friends' Meeting house, Lombard street near Eutaw
Friends' Meeting house, SE cor Pitt and Aisquith street
Friendship Fire Company house, 14 n Frederick street
Frier Andrew, boot and shoemaker, 47 Wagon alley
Fries John, surgical instrument maker, N Liberty st. dw Mer-
cer st near Light
Frietchler William, cabinet maker, Franklin st E of Paca
Fringer mrs Esther, Penn avenue extended
Frisbey Patrick, ostler, Mulberry st near Eutaw
Frisby capt William, 31 Fleet street
+Frisby Robert, caulker, Fleet st E of Caroline
+Frisby Edithe, white washer, 30 n Frederick street
+Frisby Perry vvoodsawyer, 30 n Frederick street
Frith Jonas, coachmaker, St Paul's st 3d door from Centre st
Fritz Henry, seaman, 20 Alice Anna street
Frocher Charles, merchant, 65 Fayette street
From Nimrod, cabinet maker, 1 Block street
Froxy Abraham, carpenter, Mulberry st E of Pine
Fruit George, seaman, Harford road NE side
Fruit mrs Eleanor, 183 Bond street
Fry Gotleip, Water st near Albernarle
Fry Philip, tavern keeper, 26 Lancaster st E of Bond
Fry mrs Eleanor, 183 Bond street
Fullerton George, drayman, Preston st w of Ross
Fuller Philip, wheelwright, Eager alley near Saratoga st
Fuller Horace, grocer, Wolf st s of Fleet
+Fuller Thomas, labourer, Centre st near Charles
Fullerton Peter, carter, Saratoga st E of Cove
Fulton Coffee house, 2 Grant street
Fulton Dr. Robt. Sharp st w side betw German and Lombard
Fulton Thomas, grocer, 149 French st
Furlong James, druggist, 95 Bond street
Furlong Thomas, Pine streets of George
Furlong mrs Elizabeth, Saratoga st w of Pine
Furlong John, druggist. Ensor st sw of Monument
Furney Mary, Peirce street w of Pearl
Furniss EJi, plasterer, Hillen street E of Front
Fusselbaugh Wm. oil, paint, & glass merchant, 31 Gay st o. t.
Fussell Jacob, smith and stove dealer, Pratt st near the bridge
n side, dw Water st betw High and Exeter sts