FAU Matchett's Baltimore
Fair Mount hotel, between.E Baltimore and Pitt sts
+Fairfield Walter L. cigar maker, 15 Holland st
Faithful Joseph, mt. tailor, Howard st 2d door s of Saratoga
Faithful Wm. jr. bricklayer, Pine st s of George
Faithful Wm. sen. printer, Chatsworth st n o? George
Falcey Nancy, Bond st n of Gough
Falconerfmiss Eliza, Conway st near Sharp
Falconer miss Elizabeth, 67 s Sharp st
Fallon Nicholas, corner Cove and German sts
Fallon Michael, carter, Park lane extended
Fallon Robert, blacksmith Park lane w of Cove st
Falls Alexander & co. grocers and Commission merchants. 3
and 4 Light st wharf, dw A. F. cor Barre & Hanover sts
Fander Richard, painter, Mechanics' alley n side
Fanning D O. manufacturer, of blacking, Pratt st 5 doors E
Fant Edward S. 38 Conway st [of Spring
Farbang Noah, shoemaker, Low st w of Aisquith
Fardwell Isaac, waterman, York st near Charles
Faree John, Baltimore st w of Pine
Farinhart Wm. grocer, corner Pitt and Exeter sts
Farinhalt Wm. dw Hanover st near Lee
Farmer Philip, tinner, 20 n Eutaw st
Farmer John, labourer. Holiday st n of Bath
Farmers' and Mts. bank, Calvert st betw. Balto, and Fayette
Farnandis Samuel, notary public, 34 s Gay st 1 door from
Water, dw n E corner Camden and Sharp sis
Farnandis Walter, dry goods merchant, corner Light and
Baltimore sts, dw 44 Hanover st
+Farnandis John, barber, Bond st s of Lancaster
Farquharson Charles, collector, Saratoga st near Gay
Farree John, Baltimore st w of Pine
Farrell Joshua, ship master, Bank st w of Bond
Farrell John, grocer, Liberty alley n of Union st
Farrell Charles O. grocer, Pratt bet. Commerce &, Patterson
Farrell Robert A. and Robert Winning, tavern keepers, 16
Farrell Eleonor, widow, 68 Bond st [Harrison st
Farrell James, boarding house, Balderston st near Light
+Farrell Absolom, Low st
Farrengia Israel, huckster, Orleans st n side E of Long lane
Farrington & l(Holchkiss, wholesale dealers in shoes, hats,
caps, &c. 255 Baltimore st
Farrington Samuel, firm of do dw Mulberry st near Paca
Farron Hugh, boarding house, 47 Bond st
Farrow Joseph, dry goods merchant, 59 Baltimore st
Farson John, cabinet maker, Pratt st 3d house E of bridge
Faucett John shoemaker, 6 Sterling st
Faucett Michael, shoemaker, 30 Sterling st
Faulac Anthony, Aisquith st N of Orleans
Fauntz Jacob, brick maker, Light st near Austin
Faus Jacob, sawyer, York st w of Light