Director for 1835 FAI
ance Company's office, SE corner, Christian Mayer, Esq. Pre-
sident; Mayer & Brantz, merchants, occupying the same room.
American Insurance Company's office, E side of the s en-
trance, A. J. Schwartze, Esq. President. Baltimore Insur-
ance Company's office, w side of the s entrance, Henry
Thompson, Esq. President. Baltimore Fire Insurance Com-
pany's office, first door s of the entrance from Gay street,
William A. Tucker, Esq. President, and Augustus L. Jen-
kins Secretary, British Consulate, John McTavish Esq. Con-
sul, office first door N of the entrance from Gay street. Wa-
ter Company's office, first door N side of the entrance from
Water street, Columbus O'Donnell, President, C. O'Don-
nell's office in same room; Henry Alexander's office N side
of the entrance from Water st. The Savings Bank of Balti-
more, first door on the N side of the entrance from Gay st.
Jos. Cushing, president, Archibald Stirling, treasurer. Com-
mercial News Room, J. H. Page, proprietor, w end opposite
the entrance from Gay street.
The second floor on the E side is occupied by the Baltimore
Club Association; the other rooms on the second floor has been
added to the Exchange Hotel.
The Basement story, occupied by offices fronting on Gay
street, viz: Samuel Harris, stock and exchange broker, no. 22
L. Marchand & J. Brice, no 23. Conulate de France, R. Hen-
ry, Consul, no. 21. E. Clapp, stock broker, no. 17. L. & J.
Barney, no. 18. Joshua Dorsey, no. 19.
Office of the Bank of the U. S. NE wing of the Exchange
buildings, Jno. McKim Jr. prest. & John White cashier.
Custom House, SE end of the Exchange Buildings, J H.
McCulloch, Collector, Dr. J. H. McCulloch, deputy Collector.
Exchange Hotel, s. w. wing, J. H. Page, proprietor.
All of which is respectfully submitted
Exe John F. tavern keeper, Pratt st bridge see advertisement
Extine George, paver, Union st w of Ross
Eytinge S. furniture and clothing store, and pawn broker, s
E corner Sharp and Pratt sis
Fachan Cornelius, farmer and gardner, Canton near race
Faerner Isaac, coach trimmer, 12 Peace alley [course
Faherty Mary, 4 Phil pot st
Fahnstock Peter,Jcoal yard on Hughes's quay near Light st dw
Hanover st w side next door s of Camden, high steps
in front
Fail Mary Elizabeth, tavern keeper, 4 Light st wharf
Fairbank Rebecca, tailoress, Ann st w of Alice Anna
Fairbank Wm. Lombard st w of Pine
Fairbanks James, ship carpenter, Lancaster st w of Ann
Fairchild Wm. tailor, Front st s of Low
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