Hopkins Gerard T. & Co. grocers, 1 and 2 Light
st wharf,
Hopkins Basil, merchant, Lombard st w of Han-
over St
Hopkins mrs Ann, widow, cor Bond & Fleet sts
Hopkins Wm. carpenter, Exeter st near Pratt
Hopkins J. & G. curriers, 63 s Calvert st. dw J.
Hopkins sw cor Exeter and Gran by sts
Hopkins miss Grace, cor E Baltimore & East sts
Hopkins mrs Sarah, 61 Pitt st
Hopkins Richard, broker, 67 Pitt st
Hopkins Edward, shoemaker, 11 Tompson st
Hopkins Gerard T. & Co, grocers, 3 & 4 Light st
wharf, dw Gerard T. cor of Hanover and
Barre sts
+Hopkins Cato, laborer, Salisbury st near Har-
ford run
Hoppe Justus, merchant, 47 s Gay st. dw 118
Horan John H. carpenter, Hartford st near Bond
Horasley mrs. corset maker, Eden near Mullen st
Horn Jacob, dry goods merchant, 59 N Howard st
Horn & Johnson, painters, 9 German st
Horn Wm. victualler.Beard st near Market st F. P.
Horn Henry, shoemaker, Saratoga st extended
Horn John, carpenter, Harford avenue
Horn Benjamin, tanner, Hookstown road
Home Thomas, bricklayer, 1 Comet st
Horner Thomas, shoemaker, 40 Alice Anna st
Horner Abel, carpenter, cor Light & Hughes st
Horney miss Elizabeth, tailoress, Sugar alley
Homey Edward, boot and shoemaker, Pinkney
st near Apple alley
Horney Samuel, ship carpenter, 75 Fleet st
Horrice James, carpenter, Aisquith st near Gay
Horsford James, sea capt. 18 Thompson st
Horstbrd James, 13 Wilk st
Horton James, street commissioner, 50 Pitt st
Horton mr engraver, cor Charles and Baltimore sts
Horwitz Doctor J. NE cor Saratoga and Eutaw sts
Horze Frederick, boot and shoemaker, 57 w Pratt
Hoskyus Rev. Jno. St. Mary's college
Hosman Luke, Hartford st near Bank
Hospital Baltimore, Monument st E of Market
Hossefross mrs Sarah, 48 Harrison st
Houck Jacob, dry goods merchant, 121 Balti-
more st
Hough Jefferson, clock and watch maker, 26 1/2 w
Pratt st. dw Lombard st
Hough Wm. S. grocer, cor Fayette and Pearl sts
Houghton, Johnson & Welsh, paper warehouse,
47 s Calvert st
Houghton Phillip, carpenter, Sugar alley near
Charles st
Houlton Wm. grocery, SE cor of Silver and N
Eden st
House Jesse, SE cor Douglass & Aisquith sts
House Samuel & Sons, Light st wharf near
Hughes's Quay
House Samuel jun. firm S. House & Sons, dw 27
Camden st
House W. A. firm S. House & Sons, Camden st
adjoining City spring
Houston James F. clerk, Centre E of St. Paul sts
Howard Wm. shoe store, 4 Centre market space,
dw Front st s of shot tower
Howard & Hays, grocers,cor Hillen & N Exeter sts
Howard Robert jun. grocer in general and coun-
try produce merchant, sw cor Hillen and
N Exeter sts
Howard Cornelius, ship joiner, Granby st near
Howard Charles, attorney at law, cor of Monu-
ment and Charles sts
Howard Ths. shoemaker, Richmond st near Park
Howard Abram, victualler, Union st near Penn av.
Howard John, watchman, Pearl st near Fayette
Howard Thomas, bricklayer, cor German and
Eutaw sts
Howard Henry, 57 Camden st
Howard capt James, s Gay st opposite exchange
Howard Thomas, sail maker, McElderry's wharf
Howard Wm shoe store, 4 Centre Market space
Howard Benj. carter, Barre st w of Sharp
Howard John P. merchant tailor, NE cor of Lib-
erty and German sts. dw Eutaw it s of
Camden st
Howard mrs J. E Franklin st w of Charles
Howard mrs 78s Eutaw st
Howard Samuel, waiter, Lerew's alley