Holmes Asa, dentist, 48 w Lexington st
Holmes mrs Elizabeth, liquor store, 1 Park st
Holmes Oliver, surgeon dentist, Lexington st op-
posite the Courthouse
Holmes Richard,shoemaker, Lee st w of Charles
Holste P. drawing academy, 7 Barnet st
Holstein mrs Sarah, 20 New Church st
Holston mrs Sarah, umbrella manufacturer, 96
N Howard st
Holt George H. hatter, 18 w Pratt st
Holt Thomas, engineer, Hill st near Light
Holter Lewis, cedar cooper, 17 N Gay st
Holton David, clerk, 42 N Eutaw st
Holtz mrs Catherine, nurse, Orleans st E of Ais-
Holtz Peter, carpet weaver, Aisquith st near
Holtz Henry F. cooper, Lee st w of Light
Holtz man & Hunt, merchant tailors, Baltimore st
Holtzman Geo. merch. tailor, 147 1/2 Baltimore st
dw 71 Greeu st
Honey mrs Susan, Park st near Mulberry
Honfleure mr 194 Baltimore st
Honing John, baker, Wilk st near Spring
Honslow John, shoemaker, 9 Potter st
Hood John B, labourer, s Charles st near Hughes
Hoofnagle John, house carpenter, cor of York &
William sts
Hoofsmith Mary, 6 Commerce st
Hoogewerf J. J. merchant, 39 s Gay st.dw St.
Paul's st N of Pleasant
Hook Andrew, importer of fine cloths, 89 Balti-
more st
Hook Henry, house, sign &, ornamental painter,
Lexington st E of Howard, dw 27 Pine st
Hook Jos. & Co. lumber merch. Green st. dw
Jos. Hook Chatsworth st extended
Hook Joseph sen. lumber merch. 65 Green st. dw
George st
Hook Powler, sawyer, Pierce st near Cove
+Hooker Tobias, laborer, Forest st near Douglass
Hoolet James, laborer, cor Biddle st & Penn av.
Hooper mrs Sarah, Franklin st w of Charles
Hooper James, Jr. dw 73 Bond st store in Thames
Hooper James, sen. 75 Bond st
Hooper Wm. drayman, Caroline st near Orleans
Hooper James & Sons, merchants, 16 Light st
wharf, dw Charles st near Barre
Hooper James, jr. (firm of do.) dw Barre st E of
Sharp st
Hooper Thomas, cooper, Patterson st
Hooper Wm. sail maker, dw Pratt st between
High and Exeter sts
Hooper & Graff, clothing store, 68 Centre Market
Hooper capt. John H. 94 Pitt st
Hooper Sam. sea capt. Aisquiih st near Orleans
Hooper A. painter, N Gay st near B. Air Market
Hooper Wm. carpenter, Harford avenue
Hooper Wm. jr Harford avenue
Hooper James, carpenter and joiner, N Gay st s
of Mott
Hooper Amasa T. painter, N Gay st near Mott
Hooper Jacob, carter, Hill st near Howard
Hooper Jarnes & Sons, merchants, 16 Light st
whf. dw Montgomery st near Charles
Hooper Wm. carpenter,Armistead Jane
Hooper James, merch. dw Barre st near Hanover
Hooper John P. dw s Charles st near Barre
+Hooper Isaac, hackdriver, Mechanic Court in
High st
Hoover George, butcher, Columbia st
Hoover Francis,butcher,Columbia st w of the run
Hope Wm. com. mer. and produce store, 11
Bowly's wharf
Hope Daniel, brush maker, 1 w Liberty st. dw 41
Fayette st
Hope Joseph, tobacconist, 105 Camden st
Hopewell Wm. C. hat manufacturer, 202 Balti-
more st
Hopkins mrs Sarah, 61 Pitt st
Hopkins Edward, shoemaker, 72 s Charles st
Hopkins Wm. L. grocer, cor Calvert and Pratt sts
Hopkins & Brothers, wholesale grocers, 5 Pratt
st wharf
Hopkins J. & G. curriers, 63 s Calvert st. dw Jas.
Hopkins, sw cor Exeter and Granby sts
Hopkins James, cordwainer, Union alley, near N
Eden st
Hopkins John W. tailor, Dutch alley