Howard George W. dry goods merchant, 245i
w Baltimore st
Howard Charles, Monument st
Howard Benj. C. attorney at law, Howard st s of
Masonic house
+Howard James, hackdriver, Centre st near Chas.
+Howard Sela, Lerew's alley
+Howard Chloe, Davis st near Bath
+Howard Rachel, Canada alley
+Howard Samuel, drayman, Mechanics' st w of
High st
+Howard Isaac, laborer, Halfmoon alley near
East st
+Howard Carlos, gardner, Saratoga st w of Cove
+Howard Kitty, Bottle alley
+Howard James, hostler, Pierce st near Cove
+Howard Samuel, laborer, Park lane
+Howard Wm. coachman, Potter st near Low
+Howard Nick, drayman, Potter st near Low
+Howard Jarnes, coachman, East st near Douglass
+Howard James, boatman, NW cor Orleans st and
Long lane
tHoward mrs Eliza, white washer, Mechanic's court
in High st
+Howard Dennis, brickmaker, John st
+Howard Gracey, washer, Honey alley
Howell 1. B. merchant,; dw s Sharp st near Cam-
den st
Howell Wm. & Son, merchants, 48 s Gay st
Howell mrs Abigail, tailoress.Potter stnear Low
^Howell S. Peace alley
Howland Doctor I. M. 4 German st
Howland & Woollen, lumber and coal merchants,
29 Light st wharf
Howland capt Daniel, 22 N Frederick st
Howser Samuel, chairmaker, 19 Pitt st
Howser Jacob, butcher, Light st s of west
Hoy mr Beuren st
Hoyer mrs. Mulberry st near Pine
Hubball Ebenezer, brass founder and grate maker,
146 Baltimore st
Hubbard Wm. & Co. grocers, 59 N Gay st
Hubbard Edward, laborer, 80 Wilk st
Hubbard Wm. laborer, 39 Wolf st
Hubbard James, ship carpenter, 72 Fleet «t
Hubbard Hugh, shoemaker, N end Fleet st
Hubbard Samuel, grocer, s end Washington st
Hubbard Wm. block and pump maker, 16 Phil-
pot st
Hubbard rnrs Susan, tailoress, Spring st near
Gough st
Hubbard Richard, blacksmith, 131 N Eutaw st
Hubbard John, shoemaker, East st near Douglass
Hubbard John, shoemaker, Mott st near Sterling
fHubbard Mary, washer, Park lane
JHubbard Charles, laborer, Potter st near French
Hubbell Samuel, teacher, 146 s Sharp st
Hubbell & Wheeler, grocers, 71 s Calvert st. dw
J. Hubbell, Camden st 2d house w of the
Huber Henry, grocer and liquor store, cor w Bal-
timore & Amity sts
Hubley Matilda, boarding house, 10 s Gay st w
Hucorn Francis, Belvidere gardens, Belvidere
Hudgin James, blacksmith, 14 Lombard st
Hudgins Wm. tailor, Thames st near Ann
Hudson James, blacksmith, Lee st w of Hanover,
dw Sharp st
Hudson misses Sarah & Rebecca, 50 N Charles st
Hudson —— , caulker, 66 Wolf st
Hudson mrs Jane, cake shop, Sarah Ann st ex-
Hudson Adam, dry goods dealer in Maryland
Arcade, dw Granby st E of Gough
Huene Constant, drawing master, 106 N Front st
Huff John, butcher, Hoffman st
Huff Jacob, butcher, Hoffman st
Huffner Valentine, farmer, Federal hill
Huett mrs Mary, seamstress, 35 Pearl st
Hugg mrs Mary, tailoress, 60 N Exeter st
Hugget John, boarding house, 45 Thames st
Hughes John, cabinet maker, Alice Anna st near
Argyle alley
Hughes Patrick, grocer, Spring st near Pratt
Hughes Robert, laborer, Long alley, near Ross st
Hughes Aquilla, grocer and liquor store, cor Eu-
taw and Saratoga sts
Hughes George A. Fayette w of Charles st