Bush Abram, baker, Light st E of Henrietta
Bush James, furniture rooms, 17 and 14 Harrison st
Bushman John, carpenter, 7 w Lexington st
Busic Joshua, shoemaker, Ensor st near Hillen
Busk James, sailmaker, 7 Fleet st
Busk John, intelligence and agency office, 48 nw
cor Baltimore and Gay sts. dw E Baltimore
near Harford run
Bussey Henry, tavernkeeper, 15 Marsh Market
Busy John, coppersmith, Wilk st s side near High
Butchler Alexander,confectioner, 5 w Lexington st
Butler mrs Rachel, taiioress, Hartford st near
Butler mrs Catherine, seamstress, Hampstead st,
near Spring st
Butler Thomas, boot and shoemaker, 24 n Gay st
Butler mrs Elizabeth, 30 East st
Butler Josiah, waterman, 14 Thompson st
Butler Frederick, engraver, Pearl st 3 doors n
of Mulberry st
Butler John M. sweep master, cor of s Charles and
Henrietta sts
Butler Absalom C. boot and shoe maker, 182 Bal-
timore st dw cor Park st and Inloes alley
Butler James, carpenter, 43 w Saratoga st
+Butler Henry, laborer, Camden st near Eutaw
++Buller Clem, hackman, Bottle alley, near How-
ard st
+Butler Betsey, cook, Butler's lane
+Butler Peter, laborer, 32 Fleet st
+ Butler Josiah, oak cooper, German st w of Green
+Butler E. hack driver, German lane
+Butler Ann, Harford av near meeting house
+Butler Peter, 34 NW cor Fleet st and Apple al.
+Butler Elizabeth, Ro.ss st near Eutaw
+Butler Nathaniel, laborer, Lerew's alley
+Butler Charles, Lerew's alley
+Butler, John, porter, 61 s Frederick st
+Butler George, boot black, Union alley, near N
Eden st
+Butler Josiah, cooper, German st w of Green
+Butler Hannah, Necessity alley near n Exeter st
+Butler Basil, steamboat man,Hill st near Sharp
Button Sarah, Wolf st w side
+Byald George, brickmaker, Hill st E of Hanover
+Byas John, laborer, Montgomery st
+Byas Alfred, drayman, Franklin st extended
Byers mrs Julia Ann, seamstress, 108 n Exeter st
Bynson Thomas, cor Fleet and Ann st
Byrne C. grocer, Wilk st near Eden st
Byrne James, cabinet maker, s Frederick st near
Byrne Doctor B. M. NE cor Liberty and Lexing-
ton sts
Byrnes rniss Ruth, teacher, s Eutaw st
Byrnes Pierce, tavern keeper, 37 Light st
Byrnes Christopher, grocer, Strawberry alley
Byrnes Patrick, accountant, Aisquith near Mon-
ument st
Byrnes Thomas, laborer, Columbia st
CADON WILLIAM, dry goods merchant, 63
N Howard st
Cadow Wm. dw 29 Pearl st
Caduc John, Spanish tobacco factory, sw cor of
Pratt ana Albemarle sts
Cadwalader Abel, clerk, Peace alley
Cafferty Thomas, shoemaker, Caroline near B
Baltimore st
Caffey James, laborer, E Water st near Lloyd
Ca hill Edward, innkeeper, 5 Light st wharf
Cahill mrs Ann Maria, cor Forest and Prince sts
Cahill Dennis, ship carpenter, William st n end
Cain John, carter, s Eutaw opposite Barre St
Cain Aaron, deputy keeper, of Maryland peni-
tentiary, Forrest st near Monument
Calamac Oliver, silver smith and watch maker,
13 Marsh Market space
Calame miss Harriet, seamstress, 4 Potter st
Callame Wilmena, liquor store, Sarotoga near
Gay st
Calders Edward, grocery, Wilk st near Spring
Caldwell John, trader, Potter st near French
Caldwell Wm. carpenter, N Hamilton St
Caldwell Daniel, dyer, 17 Light st
+Caldwell Rosetta, College alley
+Caldwell Wm. hackdriver, N Gay st ncra Mott
+Caldwell Delia, Montgomery st