Calef John, rope maker, B Pratt st near market
Gfrlhoun Wm. stage driver, Penn. ar near Preston
Cal noun Ben. C. first teller in Bank of Baltimore,
dw Baltimore, E of German st
Call Wm. printer, Eager alley
Call mrs Elizabeth, Eager alley
Callahan Thomas, grog shop, Light st near Lom-
bard st
Callender Wm. plaisterer, Aisquith st near Or-
leans st
Caller Philip, boot and shoe maker, 15 Ross st
Callow Wm. carter, cor Baltimore and Cove sts
Calvert mrs Sarah, tailoress, Beuren st near Mo-
nument st
Calvert George H. Pleasant E of Courtland st
Calwell Wm. T. grocer, 11 Cheapside
+Calwell Jacob, laborer, Guilford alley
+Calwell Nancy, Caroline near Pratt st
+Calwell Susan, Caroline st
Camby Benj. brushmaker, Dutch alley,
Camp Isaac, cabinet maker, Baltimore st E of
Cove st
Camp Joseph, whip, cane and spectacle maker,
100 Baltimore st, dw 31 E Fayette st, op-
posite Nevins's church
Campario John, distiller, Light st near Henrietta
Campario Peter, distiller, Sugar alley E of Light st
Campbell Peter, innkeeper, dw President st
Campbell mrs Alley, seamstress, Bishop's alley
near President st
Campbell John, keeper of livery stables, Pratt st
near tbe bridge.
Campbell Thomas, distiller, Potter st near French
Campbell James, shoemaker, Monument st
Campbell James, cabinet maker, Franklin row
Campbell Alex." sawyer, Pierce st
Campbell Thomas, shoemaker, Sarah Ann st near
Cove st
Campbell James, weaver, Sarah Ann st near Cove
Campbell Eliza, innkeeper cor Thames and Mar-
ket sts F. P.
Campbell John, grocery, NB cor Spring and Wilk
Campbell John, laborer, Wilk st near Harford run
Campbell Bernard U. teller, Mechanics' bank,dw
Fayette st, next to Mechanics' bank,
Campbell John, livery stable, swan st Hear Marsh
market space, d w Pratt st
Campbell Patrick, drayman, Concord st near
Campbell Wm. L. carpenter, 4 New st
Campbell J. Mason, counsellor at law, 29 s Gay st
Campbell Archibald, silver plater, cor Eutaw and
Lombard sts
Campbell John, grocery and liquor store, 4 Light
st wharf
Campbell James, dw s Charles st
Campbell T. artist, 178 Baltimore st
Campbell Matthew, trader, 32 s Charles st
Campbell Mcllvain & Co. com. merchants, 14
Charles st d w J as. Campbell, 17 s Charles st
Campbell Hugh, Plumber, Patterson st near Pratt
Campbell mrs Neale, grocery and liquor store,cor
Water and Frederick sts
Campbell mrs A. grocery and liquor store, 48
Frederick st
Campbell Robert & Andrew, watchmakers and
jewellers, 130 Baltimore st
Campbell Francis, grocery and liquor store, cor
Light and Water sts
Campbell Wm. grocery &. liquor store, 44 Light st
Campbell Robert, N side Lexington market
+Campbell James,drayman, Forest st near Orleans
+Campbell Caleb, porter, West st
Camper Stephen, laborer, Eden st near Pratt
Camphire Charles, stevadore, Short st
Can mrs Johnson st
Can Lloyd, fisherman, Cross st near Johnson
Cane James, Maddison st near Larew's alley
Cann John, comb maker, Park lane
Cannady George, tailor, Montgomery st near
Cannady Alexander, shoemaker, Addison st near
High st
+Cannady Robert, lamer, Gallows Hill
Cannon Dominick, soap chandler, 57 N Elder st
Cannon Thos. sea capt. 89 w Fleet st
Cannon John B. 49 w Fayette st
Cannon John, bacon store, Second st neat Fred-
erick St
Canoles mrs R. seamstress, Wilk st near Caroline