Burgess Wm. merchant tailor, 230 Market st
Burgess C. W. grocer, SE cor Gay and Potter sts
Burgess James, boot fitter, 96 Pittst
+Burgess Alex. laborer, Painter's court
Burget George, tinner, Enger alley
++Burgoine miss Ellen, confectioner, Gough st
Burk Wm. watchmaker, Gough st near Eden
Burk Moses, laborer, 32 s Charles st
Burk Edward, city watchmen. Pine st near George
+Burk Henry, stevadore, Caroline st near Pratt
Burke Francis, printer, 11 Commerce st
Burke mrs E'iza, Poiter'st near Low
Burke John ,M shoemaker, 29 East st
Burke Walter L. house carpenter, Richmond st
Burke col. Nicholas, Richmond st
Burke Isaac, painter and glazier, Garden st near
Burke Patrick, laborer Columbia st
Burke mrs Margaret, Mulberry st w of 'Paca
Burke R. & I. house and sign painters, Sharp st
s of German
Burke Richard, firm of do. 31 Lexington near
Sharp st
+Burke Thomas, caulker, 8 Happy alley
++ Burke Thomas, stevadore, 9 Happy alley
++ Burke Clem, East st n of Pitt
+Burke David, laborer, Forrest st
Burket Hugh, merchant, dw N Charles, near St
Paul's Church.
++Burket Hannah, 12 N Sharp st
Burk head Christopher, seaman, 10 s end Ann st
+Burkley Isaac, grain carrier, 16 Temple st
+Burley Harry, laborer, Lerew's alley
Burman Samuel, shoemaker, 13 Ross st
Burn Jefferson, cabinet maker, Tripolet's alley,
near Baltimore st
Burn James, clerk, 9 Alice st
Burnap Wm. G. brass founder, Stiles st near s
Exeter st
Burnap mrs Elizabeth, s Exeter near Pratt st
Burnap rev. George W. 52 Calvert st
Burneston John, rope maker, Apple alley, near
Pinkney st
Burnetson Issac, blacksmith, North st near Bath
Burnett Wm. Potter, N Eden et near Union alley
Burnett Samuel, carpenter, Peace alley, near
Charles st
Burnett rnrs Mary, dock hotel, McEIderry's whf.
Burnett Garland, Gunsmith, Maiden lane
Barnum capt. Fleet st near Argyle al.
Burnham Samuel, 4 Tripolet's alley
Burnham Thomas, hatter, Exeter st near Salisbury
Burnham George, shoemaker, East st near Doug-
lass st
Burnham John, cily bailiff, cor Orleans & Young
Burns Charles, laborer, n Exeter near Hillen
Burns John, seaman, cor Fleet and Bond st
Burns Thomas, laborer, Lerew's alley
Burns Wm. tailor. Rots st opposite JPaca st
Burns James, carpenter, 44 Ross st
Byrns mrs Sarah, Pierce st near Cove
Burns James, weaver, Cove st n of Saratoga
Burns Daniel, laborer, Sarah Ann st near Cove
Burns Francis, brickmsiker, near Spring Gardens,
dw Conway st 5 doors w ol Luuu's Jane
Burns John, blacksmith, Barre st w of Sharp
Burns Matthew, gardiner, Mulberry st near
Eutaw st
Burns R. D. com. merchant, 9 Bowly's wharf,
dw Pleasant st near St. Paul's st
Burns R. D. (firm of Burns & Nelson,) dw Plea-
sant st w of Courtland st
Burns mrs Rachel, 36 Park st
Burringer George, watchman, 10 New st
Burson Benj. clothier, dw Gough st near Caro-
line St
Burton Wm. cabinet maker,N Eutaw st, dw Dutch
Burton Wm. cabinet maker.cor Eutaw st & Dutch
alley, dw Dutch alley
Burton Wm. confectioner, N Gay opposite Fred-
erick st
++Burton Ness sawyer, Strawberry al. near Wilk st
Busey Ann, cor Wolf and Alice Anna sts
Bush John F. grocery and liquor store, cor How-
ard st and Homespun alley
Bush George, letter carrier, Long alley, s of Lex-
ington St
Bush John, cigar maker, York av
Bush mrs Biddle st near Penn, av