Bruscup John, tailor, n Exeter, near Pitt st
Bruscup Thomas, tailor, Holland st B of Aisquith
Brushviller mrs Harford ar
Bryan John, fan maker, Montgomery w of Light
Bryarly David, rising ran tavern, High st
Bryer Joseph, cooper, 12 Lombard st
Bryman mrs Mary, grocer, 8 Block st
Bryne mrs Susan, boarding house, cor Park and
Mulberry sts
Bryson Nathan 6. justice of peace, E Baltimore
st. office, cor Front and Baltimore sts
Bryson J. in U. S. Bank, dw Hillen st near Potter
Buchanan miss 8. 27 N Gay st
Buchanan James A. N. Gay st
Buchanan James M. attorney at law, Fayette st
s side E of St. Paul's st, dw St. Paul's st
s of Franklin st
Buchanan Charles A. attorney at law, w Fayette st
Buchanan miss Elizabeth, 39 E Fayette st
Buchanan George, blacksmith, Harford av. near
Monument st
Buck Robert, stove and sheet iron manufactory,
cor Light and Lombard sts
Buck John & Co. importers of hardware, and
iron dealers, 32 and 33 E Pratt st
Buck & Hedrick. sail makers, 81 Smith's wharf;
dw Benj. Buck, Pratt it near Harford run
Buck George, custom house officer, lower end s
Ann st
Buck mrs Keziah sw cor Stiles and Exeter sts
Buck John, justice of peace, Plowman st dw Pitt
near Harford run
Buck Jacob, tanner, Hookstown road
Buck Nathaniel, tailor, St. Mary st near Penn, av
+Buck James, eating bouse, Second, between
Gay and Frederick sts
Buckingham Joel, ship carpenter, Fleet st near
Buckingham Michael, Pratt st w of Cove
Buckingham Joseph, engineer, Montgomery, B
of Light st
Buckingham Samuel, engineer, Montgomery E
of Light st
Buckingham mrs Elizabeth, Park st N of Dutch
Buckler Doctor John, St. Paul's st s of Saratoga
Buckler Francis, whip, cane and thong minufac.
tory, Saratoga near Cove st
Buckley Robert L. tailor, 74 n Exeter st st
Buckley mrs Susanna, 29 E Water st
Buckley Timothy, liquor store, s Frederick near
Water st
Buck waiter Abraham, flour merchant, cor of Balti-
more and Eutaw sts. dw Lexineton, B of
Pearl st
Budd Julius, whitewasher, Ensor st
Budd John, coach and harness maker, cor Balti-
more and Howard sts. dw 73 Camdtn st
Budd Frederick, stone mason, Saratoga st w of
Cove st
+Buey John, laborer, Peace alley
Bugbay Henry, sawyer, Will st near Block
Buirer John, tailor, Monument st
Bull Jarrett, Eutaw st, E side N of Franklin st
Bull Wm. H. & N. produce and com. merchants,
22 w Franklin st
Bull George W. merchant tailor, 158 Baltimore
st dw Charles st N of Saratoga
Bugbay Henry, sawyer, Wills st near Block
Buff Wm. millwright, 29 n Exeter st
+Bull Benjamin, laborer, Chesnut lane
+Bullen Frederick, hair dresser, w Pratt near
Eutaw st
Bullitt Alexander, attorney at law, Baltimore st
w of Cove
Bumbarger Martin, paver, Saratoga w of Pint
Bunce capt. Wm. E Water st
Bunting Wm. J. shoemaker, 76 N Howard St
Bunting John, carpenter, n Gay st near Mott
Bunyie R. music master, Bond near Bank st
Bun vie Robert, 16 s Charles st dw 161 Bond st
+Buois John, laborer, Sterling st
+Buorgoine Augustin, confectioner, Caroline near
Gough st
Burch Wm. victualler, Columbia st w end
Burchnell Wm. blacksmith, Hill st E of Charles
Burford E. ship smith, Grant st
Burgan Wm. carpenter, cor n Gay and Mott sts
Burger Jason, carpenter, Montgomery st; w of
Light st