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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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Baughman & Bevan, stone cutters, Franklin, N side, E of
Charles, dw Garden, near old alms house
Baurers Charles, grocer, Saratoga, N side, W of Rock
Baum Margaret, widow, Pearl, E side S of Saratoga
Baumont, Miss Ann. Fayette, S side, W of Holiday
Bailsman John, SW corner Liberty and German sts
Bawden Wm. teacher. E Balt. S side, W & of rear Caroline
Baxley Geo flour insp'r. SE corner of Howard &. Franklin
Baxley H. W. (M. D.) SB corner of Howard & Franklin
Baxley James, grocer, SW corner Exeter and French
Baxter Sarah, widow, grocery, 15 Fleet
Baxter Andrew, grocery and liquor store, NE corner of
Park st and Wagon alley
Baxter Arthur A. gunsmith, 72 centre market space, dw
Courtland, W side, N of Lexington
Baxter C W. blacksmith, Charles, E Side near York
Baxter Isaac, musician, Saratoga st. S side, W of Par, dw
Lerew's alley
Baxter Samuel, Argyle alley, N of Alisannast
Baxter Woolsey, blacksmith, dw Henrietta, N side, E of
Bay Hugh, carpenter, Howard, E side, N of Maddison
Mayfield Jas carpenter, East, W side, N of Hillen
Bayles mrs Jane, tutoress, Lexington, N side E of Sharp
Bayless James P currier, 1 Cheapside
Bayley, Elizabeth, widow, 74 Camden, W of Sharp
Bayley Bernard, watchman, N Howard, E side, near
Baylor John, house carpenter, Cross, N side, W end
Bayly Thos ship carpenter, Philpot, S side, W of Thames
Bayly Oswald, carter N Eutaw, E side N of Franklin
Bayly George W. constable, Saratoga, N side, E of Cove
Bayly Casandra Ann, milliner & mantua maker, N Eutaw,
opposite methodist church
Bayly A carter, N Paca, N of Franklin
Bayly Wm. proprietor of slate yard, opposite the glass
factory, dw Holiday st opposite McCausland's brewery
+Bayly John, labourer, Hill st N side, E of Charles
tBayley Isaac, drayman, Little Hughes, W of Charles
+Bayly Catharine, laundress, Bank st S side, W of Happy al
+Baily A. laundress, Guilford's alley, N side
Bayne John, pilot, Alisanna, S side, W of Strawberry alley
Bayne Washington, cabinet maker, Potter st W side, N of
Beach Thomas, carter Wolf st W side, N of Gough
Beadel Henry, dry goods merchant, Hanover, N of Lit-
German st
Beadel mrs. Lerew's alley, E side, near Maddison st

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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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