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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 26   View pdf image (33K)
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Bartholomew Joseph Edward, saddler, Mulberry, N side
W of Pearl
Bartholomew S watchmaker, Mulberry, S side, W of Pearl
Bartlett Wm. E. drug, giass, oil and paint store, 74 Cal
vert, dw Pratt N side between Eutaw and Howard
Bartlett Wm piano forte maker, 20 Fayette E of Howard
Bartol Geo. coach maker, Calvert st E side, S of Bath
Barton Wm G. currier, 21 Water W of Centre M Space
Barton mrs. Mary. Centre st near the red bridge
Barton, Henry, teacher, 72 Harrison st
Barton Jas. shoemaker, Bank st S side W of Happy alley
Barton Samuel, S. Constitution, W side near the jail
Burton Joshua, carpenter, Harford av. S side
Barton Thomas, drayman, Granby st N side E of Exeter
Barton mrs. Mary, Jones's falls E side, near Fish market
+Barton Alex, shoemaker. Wolf st W side, N of Gough
+Barton Geo. sawyer, SE corner Gay and Frederick
+Barton F. laundress. Hill st N side E of Charles
+Barton Jas. lobourer, W Balt. W of 1st mile stone N side
+Barton Henry, labourer, W Balt- W of 1st mile stone
+Barton Bartholomew, bootmaker, Light st extended
Bartow Rev John, rector of Trinity church, E Pratt) N
side E of Fxeter
Base mrs Margaret, Ann, E side, S of Lancaster
+Basley Harry, Salsbury st N side, near Harford Run
Bastine John B. nursery and seedsman, Rock st W of Cove
Batchclor Nath'l, sail maker, York st S side E of Charles
Batchelor William, watchman, Rock, E side S of Saratoga
Bateman Nicholas, Fort road, S side, W of the magazine
Bateman, Benjamin, accountant 76, Bond
Bateman Catharine, widow, teacher, Eden W side S of
Bates John H. biscuit baker, 33 Commerce
Bates John, grocery and liquor store, SW comer Pinkney
st and Strawberry alley
Bates Herbert, weaver, Pearce st W of Pine
Bates Jacob, Exeter, W side, near Hillen and French
Bathurst Matthew, merchant. Frederick, W side, N of
Second, dw N Calvert, E side, near city spring
+Batters John, cigar maker, 31 Light st
Battise John, gardner, Maddison st S side, W of Biddle
Batturs Richard, auctioneer, dw Courtland, E side, S of
liatty mrs. Elizabeth, Liberty alley, W side near the jail
Batty George, Pitt, N side, W of Eden
Batty Richard, 45 W Prutt
Batty James, merchant, dw N Calvert, E side
Batty Samuel, Carpenter, 17 Comet st W of Aisquith

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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 26   View pdf image (33K)
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