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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 28   View pdf image
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Beal Richard, commission merchant 53 S Frederick
+Beames Wm. shoemaker, Rurdley alley, S of Lexington
+ Beander Henrietta laundress Pearl, E side
Bean Eiltn. seamstress, 13 Wilk
Bean Thomas, pilot, 116 Ann st
Bear Thomas, labourer, Asbury, E side, S of Baltimore
Beard John, constable, York st, S side, E of Charles
Beard James, sea captain, E Water, N side, W of Lloyd
Beard Hugh, paver, Jefferson st. E of Aisquith
Beastall Samuel, hatter, Bond st W side, N of Gough
Beatty James, merchant, 71 W Pratt
Beatty Abm. shoemaker, Richmond st N side, near Park
Beatty William, flour merchant, 241 Baltimore
Beatty William H. grocer dw 12 S Howard
Bechtel J. P merchant, 56 S Frederick
Beck John wheelright Addison st S s»irle, W of High
Beck mrs. NW corner of Ensor and Forest
Beckley Henry, tavern keeper, Pratt, N side, W of Paca
++Becks John, mariner, Spring, S of Wilk
Beecham Jas. ship carpenter, Market st W side, S of Wilk
Beeelt John, shoemaker, Eutaw, W side, N of Pratt
Beefelt mrs Margaret, S Eutaw W side, N of Lumbard
++Beehoe Moses, Conway, E of Eutaw
Beerman Charles, victualler, Green, W s de, N of Balt.
Beers Elizabeth, huckster, Lancaster, N side, W of Ann
Beers Jane, toy dealer, 36 Happy alley
Beers Booth & St John, Exchange office, 174 Baltimore
Beggs John, weaver, Pierce st W of Cove
Bell Richard, shipwright, 16 Fleet
Bell Hugh, shoemaker, Holland st S side, E of Aisquith
Bell Mrs. Elizabeth, Ensor, S side, E of Forest
Bell Thomas, stone cutter, Tyson alley
Bell Wm. Cooper, Park lane
Bell William, dyer, scourer and bonnet dresser, South
Bell William. Cooper, Carpenter's alley, W of Liberty
Bell Evan, grocer, 55 Alisanna
Bell James, weaver, Franklin extended, or Glennsville
Bell John weaver, Franklin extended, or Glennsville
Bell Joseph Potter st W side, N of Gay
Bell John H. printer, Potter st W side, S of Low
Bell Martha, widow, 22 S Howard
Bell Geo. cooper, SW corner, Franklin & Pearl
Bell Hugh, stone cutter, Liverpool alley, S of Camden st
Bellash Elizabeth, widow, Fleet's side, W of Market
Belone Pascal, carpenter. N Eden st E side, N of Pitt
Belt Richard G. (M. D ) apothecary and druggist, 18
Market, S of Lancastcr
Belt Thomas, 14 S High

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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 28   View pdf image
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