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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 25   View pdf image (33K)
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Barney Wm. Orleans, N side, E of Short
SBarnhart John, letterer, York st W side S of Madison
Barnum David, proprietor of the City Hotel, Monu-
ment square, N Calvert
Barr William, dry goods merchant, 33 Baltimore
Barr John T. dry goods merchant, 227 Baltimore, dw
Charles, W side N of Lexinon
Barr Samuel, dry good merchant, 26 Centre M Space
Barr John M proprietor of the Washington hotel, 4 N Gay
Barrable Wm. book-binder, 52 W Pratt
Barre Miss Polly, Pearl, E side N of Fayette
Barrett Edward, boot and shoemaker SW corner of Light
and Mercer st
Barrett Asa, Upholster, 8 N Charles
Barrett Thomas, proprietor of the Theatre tavern, Holli-
day, E side N of Fayette
Barrett Maurice, clothing store, S W corner of Calvert
and Mercer
Barrett Thomas clothier, 64 S Calvert
Barrett mrs Elizabeth, cookshop, under SE corner of
Light &, Mercer sts
Barrrickman Henry, cedar cooper, 15 Franklin
Barr ington John, 45 N High st.
Barrier Joseph, grocer. 67 S Charles
Barroll James merchant, SE corner of Pratt st and Bow-
ley's whf dw Great Pleasant near Courtland
Barron John, merchant, N Caroline st S of and near Pratt
Barron Peter, tavern keeper, 26 Second st near the market
Barron James, cabinet maker, rear of 46 W Pratt
Barrows E P inspector of salt provisions, W Balt st N
side E of Green dw Liberty
Barry Robt, auctioneer and commission merchant, 14
Spear's whf dw St Paul's near Baltimore
Barry mrs. Jamima, 29 N Gay
Barry Alexander, shop keeper, Thames, N side W of Ann
Barry Isaac carpenter, Fawn st S side W of Exeter st
Barry Samuel M. dry goods merchant, 99 Baltimore
Barry mrs Elizabeth. 37 Exeter st late green
Barter Isaac, musician, Saratoga, S side W of Park
Barteau Nicholas, grocer, Pinkney st S side W of Bond
Bartlett Isaac, mariner, Philpot, near the draw-bridge
Barter George W. assistant flour inspector, centre st E of
St. Paul's
Bartlett Geo hide, leather, and shoe merch't, 10 N Upw-
ard, dw Fayette
Bartlett mrs. Mary, huckster, Argyle alley N of Lancas-
ter st

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Matchett's Baltimore Director for 1827
Volume 491, Page 25   View pdf image (33K)
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