Bower David, blacksmith, Clay st. dw Park n of Fayette st
Bowerman Richard, tobacco inspector, Barre st w of Charles
Bowerman H. M. Lexington st n side w, of Charles
Bowers A. laborer, Mulberry court e of Rock st & s of Saratoga
Bowers James, carter, Baltimore st e of Amity
Bowers Rebecca, Lewis st n of Holland
Bowers Wm. coach painter, Ensor st n of Madison
Bowers Margaret, Exeter st s of Gay
Bowers Mrs. Elizabeth, Eutaw st s of Dover
Bovvers Elizabeth, tailoress, Armistead lane w of William st
Bowers John, laborer, n e cor Mercer and Grant sts
Bowers & Hume, cabinet makers, Charles st 4 drs s of Lombard
Bowersox Augustus, carpenter, Raborg st e of Cove
Bowersox Levi, constable, Pine st s of Mulberry
Bowie J. H. silversmith, 58 Bank lane w of St Paul, dw Penn av
Bowie R. S. house and sign painter, 99 1/2 Baltimore st. dw Hol-
liday st n of Saratoga
Bowie Elizabeth, huckster, York av n of Madison st
Bowlby John, proprietor of the Parisian vegetable bitters, 27 e
Baltimore st w of High
Bowley Daniel, firm of ditto, dw Lexington st w of North
Bowley Edward, gardner, York av n of Madison st
Bowley S. H. book keeper, bank of Baltimore, dw E Baltimore
st opposite Lloyd
Bowly & Falconer, dry goods mts. 199 Baltimore st
Bowman Wm. mariner, Fleet st e of Ann
Bowman Henry, accountant, Stiles st w of Exeter
Bowman Ann, 68 Market st
Bowroarh Thomas, fruit store, 20 e Pratt st
Boyce Charles, Pleasant st 1 door e of Park
Boyce T. watchman, at R. road depot, dw Paca st w of L Green
Boyce C. brickmaker, Montgomery st w of Light
Boyd Misses, Fayette st s side betw St Paul and Charles
Boyd Robert, laborer, e side Charles st 2d door s of Camden
Boyd & Chappell, tobacconists, cor Pratt and Hollingsworth sts
Boyd W. A. firm ditto, dw High st s of Lombard
Boyd Joseph C. attorney at law, court house lane
Boyd Mary J. Saratoga\st betw Charles & Sharp
Boyd Jacob, shoemaker, Franklin st w of Pine
Boyd McHenry, Franklin st e of St Paul
Boyd Samuel, shoemaker, Pine st s of Franklin
Boyd Wm. merchant tailor, cor Baltimore and Liberty sts
Boyd Samuel, carpenter, Pitt st e of Bond
Boyd Hugh, Caroline st s of Pitt
Boyd A. coach trimmer, York av s of Madison st
Boyd John L. carpenter, Ensor st n of Madison
Boyd Joseph hatter, e side Exeter st s of Hiilen
Boyd Mrs Margaret, Scott st n of West
Boyd Samuel, lumber merchant, Caroline st near Baltimore, dw
Baltimore st w of Caroline